Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (36 hours)


Final Examination: 

The final evaluation consists of a written test consisting of 30 closed questions with multiple choice answers (only one correct) on the topics included in the course program, including the disciplines Developmental psychology (10 questions), School psychology (10 questions) , Communication and Help Report (10 questions). The final result, expressed in thirtieths, corresponds to the sum of the scores obtained in each of the three disciplines.

Voto Finale

Provide students with the basic theoretical foundations of developmental psychology and group psychology, necessary to manage the process of communication and educational relationship in the school context with intention and awareness.

The course consists of three parts: Developmental Psychology (12 hours), School Psychology (12 hours), Communication and helping relationship (12 hours).
1. Introduction:
- Developmental psychology: evolutionary stages;
- Neuroanatomical and neurophysiological developmental bases.
2. The main theoretical models in Developmental Psychology: the bioecological model of development (Bronfenbrenner); behavioral theories and learning paradigms; cognitive theories (J. Piaget); the development of moral judgment (Kohlberg); psychodynamic theories (S. Freud, A. Freud, M. Klein); genetic psychoanalysis (R.A. Spitz, M. Mahler); the C group of London psychoanalysis (Winnicott); Attachment Theory (Bowlby).
Self and identity: definition and development.
Adolescence: criteria for defining the duration of adolescence; Havighurst's developmental tasks model.
Bullying: definition, types, principles of prevention and treatment.
Group psychology (basic theoretical notions): the social group (definition, structure, dynamics, leadership).
1. What is and what does school psychology include:
educational processes from the psychological point of view; planning of interventions.
2.How the human being construct the world:
perception, attention and intuition, memory, intelligence, awareness and knowledge, recognition, skill and understanding.
3.How the human being learns the world: learning and knowledge building, thought processes, learning and meta-cognition, motivation.
4. The teacher and student relationship: plurality of learning environments; educational contexts; the class relationship: status and roles; mutual images; education styles and teaching objectives; the relationship between student and teacher.
5. The individual and society: individuals and groups; status and role (power, cohesion, identity); communication standards and networks; social influence and conformism; bullying and cyberbullying; Group dynamics: building oneself and others, making a decision, inter-group dynamics.
6. The family: types of families; the family cycle; normality and dysfunctionality in the family.
7. Diversity: atypical development; normality and developmental pathology; disabilities.
Communication and relationship in the educational context.
The helping relationship: definition; phases of the process; helping skills.

Slides presented during the lessons.
Text adopted:
- Santrock JW. “Psicologia dello sviluppo”. McGrawHill Education, II Edizione, 2013.
Recommended texts for further information:
1.Quaglino GP, Cortese CG. Gioco di squadra. Come un gruppo di lavoro può diventare una squadra eccellente. Milano, Raffaello Cortina Ed. 2003
2.Edelmann RJ. Conflitti interpersonali nel lavoro. Analizzarli e risolverli senza aggressività ne passività. Trento, Erickson Ed. 2005
3.Maslach C, Leiter PM. Burnout e organizzazione. Modificare i fattori strutturali della demotivazione al lavoro. Trento, Erickson Ed. 2000
4.Buccoliero E, Maggi M. Contrastare il bullismo, il cyberbullismo e i pericoli della rete. Manuale operativo per operatori e docenti, dalla scuola primaria alla secondaria di 2° grado. Milano, Franco Angeli.
5.Brown R. Psicologia Sociale dei gruppi. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2005


Frontal and interactive lessons.

The teachers are available to receive the students by appointment
