Degree course: 
Corso di Long single cycle degree (5 years) in Law - Varese
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
Seat of the course: 
Varese - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (50 hours)

Attending the course is easier for students with basic knowledge of management, micro and macroeconomics, civil and commercial law.

The examination is mixed. For the first part (Part I) the exam will be written. For the second part (Part II) there will be an oral examination. The oral examination is admitted only if the final mark for the written one is almost 18 over 30.
The final grade will be the average of Part I’s score and Part II’s score.

In the first semester of academic year 2020/21 the written examination will be an online test. The test is composed by 30 “closed-ended questions” to be solved in 45 minutes.
The exam will be passed with a minimum mark of 18 over 30.
Also the oral examination will be on line and will be composed by 2-3 questions and a discussion on an argument chosen by the candidate.
When the University will allow us to conduct exams in class, the following rules will apply.
The exam on Part I will be written and composed by 10 questions: 6 short answers (definitions) and 4 long answers/exercises. The score per each question is expressed over 30 points.
To reach the minimum positive score, the student has to report a positive mark (equal or higher to 18 over 30 points) on 70% of the questions. The final grade is the weighted average of each single score.
The exam takes 1 hour and 15 minutes.
The oral examination will be unchanged.
The final grade will be the average of Part I’s score and Part II’s score.

We have no difference in course and exam program between attending and non-attending students.

The teacher could change examination rules if laws or University rules will change.

Voto Finale

The course gives basic elements about the structure and the functioning of markets and financial intermediaries. Specific topics also relate to structure, activities, and operational tools of banking, insurance, and markets intermediaries, and basic elements for securities’ valuation as well. The course gives also basic information about costs and yield of financial instruments, banking and insurance contracts and financial market operations.
After attending the course, the student will be able to:
- describe and analyze different functions of financial markets and intermediaries and linkages among them;
- detect and describe main differences among financial contracts (banking, insurance and pensions, and market instruments) and their linkage to families and firms’ financial needs;
- describe operating activities, revenues and costs for banks, insurance companies and other financial intermediaries (e.g., asset management firms, specialized financial and credit intermediaries);
- describe and analyze objectives and activities of regulation and supervision on financial intermediaries and markets.
Moreover, at the end of the course the student will be able to:
- understand and use main financial technical terms. The student will be able to understand, summarize and critically evaluate specific literature and financial news on fundamental financial topics.
- evaluate risk and return of simple financial securities and understand main topics on the functioning of financial system (risks and performance drivers).

The first part of the course offers fundamental knowledge of structure and functions of the financial system and the various financial intermediaries; the second one is given as a workshop on selected topics of regulation and dispute resolution in banks.

1. Main functions of the financial system (8 hours)
2. Financial contracts and risks related to banking and financial intermediation (4 hours)
3. Intermediation function (12 hours)
4. Money and payment systems (2 hours)
5. Transmission mechanism of monetary policy (some remarks) (2 hours)
6. Financial markets: some definitions (3 hours)
7. Financial intermediaries (6 hours)
8. Regulation and supervision (3 hours)

9. European regulation and supervision of banks. The SSM (4 hours)
10. Governance in banks (4 hours)
11. ADR in banks. Individual and group analysis of main dispute items (2 hours)

A detailed timetable for lessons and topics will be published in the course e-learning page (

See the section "Contenuti"

Mandatory Texts:
Part I (Prof. Locatelli):
• A. Ferrari - E. Gualandri - A. Landi - P. Vezzani (2016), Il sistema finanziario: funzioni mercati e intermediari [it], 6th Edition, G. Giappichelli Editore Torino, chapters I, II, III (only paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4), IV (except paragraph 6), V (only paragraphs 1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4), VI, VII (Boxes 1, 2 and 3 to be considered as “reading materials”).
A. Ferrari - E. Gualandri - A. Landi - V. Venturelli - P. Vezzani (2017), Strumenti e prodotti finanziari: bisogni di investimento, finanziamento, pagamento e gestione dei rischi, G. Giappichelli Editore, Torino, chapter VIII.

Part II:
• Banca Centrale Europea (2014), Guida alla vigilanza bancaria
• EBA (2018), Guidelines on internal Governance (Orientamenti sulla governance interna).
• Arbitro Bancario e Finanziario (anni vari) Relazione Annuale

The teachers can suggest (if requested) an English textbook.
Learning materials (slides and exercises) will be uploaded in the course’s e-learning web page. Slides are published weekly before each lecture.


According to University’s guidelines for COVID-19 medical emergency, in the first semester of academic year 2020/21, the course is delivered by online lectures given by the official teachers, according to University rules. Seminars and additional practical lessons could be organized.
The course is delivered on the platform Microsoft Teams, in accordance to the timetable uploaded in the course’ webpage.
Recording of lessons is not allowed. In the elearning page students will also find slides and other online materials. In the final page of each group of slides, a list of main topics and some questions for checking exam preparation are reported.
During each online lesson students can dialogue with the teacher using Teams’ chat.
Seminars and other initiatives on specific topics in the course could be organized.
In the elearning page students will find a simulation of the examination test, for their self -evaluation. The results of the self-assessment tests will not be evaluated by the teacher.

Office hours
The lecturers meet students weekly except holidays and in August. Please refer to teachers’ web pages for timetable and any change. Students can also send an e-mail to the teachers to arrange an appointment on a different date/timetable.
In the first semester 2020-21 studets must send an email to arrange an appointment. that will take place on Teams platform.
