The student must have passed all the exams and qualifications required for the previous year. Prerequisites are not required to take the exam.
1. To learn the basic tools to identify in clinical practice research problems or research areas of nursing interest.
2. To select the most authoritative sources and journals in relation to the topic chosen for a study.
3. To search, select, read and evaluate relevant literature in order to make decisions, and answer questions arising from nursing practice.
4. To discriminate research articles and research report of qualitative, quantitative, and mix methods studies.
5. To identify nursing research process steps in articles’ text, and in particular: topic and research problem, literature review, research question or hypothesis and/or objectives, research design, sample and data collection tools, study results and implications for nursing practice.
6. To critically appraise a literature review, understanding its difference with a systematic review and a meta-analysis.
7. To know the Evidence-Based Practice method and use it for nursing care quality improvement.
1. Nursing research developments in Italy and abroad
1.1 Nursing research in national and international documents.
1.2 Different levels in nursing research education.
2. Research, nursing research and research methodology.
2.1 The Nursing research quantitative and qualitative continuum in Italy and abroad.
2.2 The language of research.
2.3 Approaches, typologies of research studies and research designs: some classifications useful for nurses.
2.4 The research process.
2.5 Literature review: some clarification about terminology (Literature Review and Systematic Review), aims, and structure.
2.6 National and international information sources for professional culture development and research.
2.7 The typical structure of a research article or research report, and some criteria to appraise the quality of a research study (quantitative approach).
2.8 Study results dissemination: poster presentation, and oral presentations; some suggestions to write a scientific article.
3. The link of research with Evidence-Based Practice to improve nursing and the nursing profession.
Sironi C. (2010) (a cura di) Introduzione alla ricerca infermieristica. Milano: Casa editrice ambrosiana.