No need of prerequisites
Place the principles of bioethics in ethical nursing values.
Explain the principles, the values and the norms contained in the Italian and ICN code of ethics.
Identify ethical conflict (malpractice or dilemma) in nursing practice on the relationship between assisted persons, other professionals and institutions.
Develop abilities to use ethics reflection on ethical dilemmas met in nursing practice.
Know the influence of aging on nursing needs
Know how mutual health and social assistance in the light of the increase of elderly with chronic pathologies
Understanding the complexity of assisting elderly patients
Recognize the main nursing diagnoses in the elderly person starting from clinical cases provided
Apply the nursing care process to patients with various chronic-degenerative diseases
The special features that characterize the history, the organization and operation of Psychiatric Services. Identify the AI prevailing needs in people with mental health problems. Knowing how to identify and respond to the needs of AI of people with psychiatric disorders of greatest incidence and prevalence by using of ICNP. Knowing the elements to establish the helping relationship with people with mental health problems and their family.
Principles of bioethics and their declination in professional deontology.
Professional values.
Italian code of ethics. ICN code of ethics.
Definition of malpractice, ethical problem and ethical dilemma.
Fry and Johnstone model for ethical analysis and decision making in nursing practice.
Overview of aging and disability: aspects that influence nursing care
The concepts of fragility, chronicity and complexity
The influence on aging and the health of older people
Academy on the social and health system for taking care of the chronic patient and on the model of chronic care
Most frequent nursing diagnoses in the elderly:
- Risk of falling
- Risk of dehydration, dehydration and electrolyte imbalance
- Hypovolemia
- Risk of alteration of the thermoregulation, alteration of the thermoregulation
- Risk of alteration of nutritional status, alteration of nutritional status
- Risk of delirium, delirium
- lodging
- Alteration of defecation
- Risk of infections
Reflections on the practice of containment
The elderly and the management of drug therapy
Nursing care plans:
- Person with mental deterioration (Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia)
- Person with Parkinson's disease
- Person with multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
- Person with chronic renal failure
- Person on hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis
From the concept to the health to the concept health and mental hygiene. Historial evolution of psichychiatry its structures and psichiatric nurse figure. Legislative framwork and reference.organizationof psychiatric servies: the departement of mental health.teamwork and therapeutic proiect. The concept of ai to the person with mental health problems, according to the use of icnp. Nursing care to the person with major mental disorders such as anxiety-related disorders, mood, psychotic disorders and personality disorders. Emergency/urgency in psychiatry. Paths rehabilitation in psychiatry.
Cattorini P. (2011) Bioetica.Metodo ed elementi di base per affrontare problemi clinici Milano: Elsevier.
Filippini A., Baccin G. (2014) Capitolo 4: L’etica e la deontologia in Deiana C., Rocco G.., Silvestro A. (2014) Guida all’esercizio della Professione di Infermiere. Torino: C G Edizioni Medico Scientifiche
Fry T. S., Johnstone M. (2004) Etica per la pratica infermieristica. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
Chiari P., Santullo A. (2010) The Nurse Case Manager. From theory to practice. Milan: McGraw Hill
Marcadelli S., Obbia P., Prandi C. (2018) Home care and primary care. Milan: Edra
Nebuloni G. (2017) Nursing care for the elderly. Health promotion, education and assistance pathways. Second edition. Milan: Ambrosiana Publishing House
Senin U., Cherubini U., Mecocci P. (2013) Patient Senior Geriatric patient Complex medicine. Third edition. Naples: EdiSES
Spaccapeli G., Ranucci V. (2013) Fondamenti di Infermieristica in Salute Mentale, sant'Arcangelo di Romagna Maggioli Editore.