There are no prerequisites to be admitted to the exam except compulsory attendance.
Nursing and management and planning about the problems of elderly and frailty.
Nursing and management and planning about adults with neurological and nephrological diseases.
Instruments and scales to measure needs and outcomes elder age-linked.
1. The social-cultural and physiological dimension of aging (3h)
2. The frail elderly (2h)
3. The Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) and its tools (2h)
4. Identification of more common nursing care needs (BAI) in elderly (4h)
5. Educational imputs to the health finalized at the adoption of positive lifestyles and oriented to self-help (2h)
6. Accidental falls (1h)
Nursing care to the elderly and the adult with chronic degenerative neurological diseases
7. Neurological disease: assessment and nursing (2h)
8. Alzheimer disease and nursing care (2h)
9. Parkinson’s disease and nursing care (2h)
10. Multiple Sclerosis (SM) and nursing care (2h)
11. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and nursing care (2h)
Nursing care to the elderly and the adult with chronic degenerative nephrological diseases
12. Acute and Chronic kidney disease: assessment and nursing (2h)
13. Pre-dialysis nursing (2h)
14. Emodialysis: outcomes, treatments and nursing (2h)
15. Peritoneal Dialysis: outcomes, treatments and nursing (2h)
16. Diet and hydration in kidney disease (1h)
17. Kidney transplant (1h)
The slides used during the lessons will be made available to students through the Class Presidents during the course.
The slides form the basis of the study together with mandatory additions or optional details that will be indicated in writing from time to time.
The reference book is:
Battezzati P.M., Destrebecq A., Lessio B., Lleo A., Melesi M., Selmi C. (2009) Infermieristica Clinica in Medicina Interna. Milano: Hoepli.
(sections 3,7,9,10,11,12)