Integrated clinical nursing course
Attaching the manifestations of nursing care needs with the pathologies of surgical interest of greater incidence and prevalence in the national territory.
Development of a nursing care plan aimed at a person subjected to surgery for one of the most prevalent diseases and accidents on the national territory.
Choose and implement procedures, treatments and nursing interventions that take into account standards of efficacy trials and guidelines of best clinical practice.
Document and evaluate the various phases and the results of the whole process of care.
Nursing care in perioperative period
Nursing care to the person subjected to surgery.
Alleviate the suffering.
Plan nursing and protecting the safety to the person subjected to surgery
Summary of topics covered:
Nursing in the preoperative phase
Nursing in intraoperative period
Nursing care in the postoperative phase
Nursing care to the person gastrectomizzata.
Nursing care to the person mastectomizzata
Nursing care to people colonstomizzata
Nursing care to the person with pneumectomizzata
Nursing care to the person undergoing bariatric surgery
Galvagni M., Perini C. (2010) L’infermiere in sala operatoria. Milano McGrawHill
Incalzi A. R.., (2012) Medicina interna per scienze infermieristiche. Padova: Piccin
Massini R.., (2013) Medicina Interna. McGrowHill
Pasquini G., Campa R., D’Ambrosio M., Giacomo Leonardo (2012) Manuale di chirurgia. Milano McGrawHill
Raffaeli W., Montali M., Nicolo’ E. (2010) l’Infermieristica del dolore. Padova: Piccin
Sacchetti D., Lusuardi R., Amici E., (2011) Manuale Infermiere Strumentista. Torino: Edizioni Minerva Medica
Sironi C., Baccin G., (2006) Procedure per l’assistenza infermieristica. Milano: Masson.
Smeltzer S., Bare B., (2017) Brunner Suddart Infermieristica Medico- Chirurgica. Volume 1 e 2. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
Saiani L., Brugnolli S., (2010) Trattato di cure infermieristiche. Edizioni Sorbona.
Wicker P., O’Neal (2007) Assistenza infermieristica perioperatoria. Milano: McGrowHill
Dougherty L. (2007), Cateteri venosi centrali. Milano McGrawHill
Slides, documents, guidelines and best practices provided by the teacher