MEDICAL SURGICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGIES - Biotechnologies applied to the locomotor system

Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in BIOTECHNOLOGY
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (16 hours)

To successfully attend the course, the student must possess the basic knowledge of histology, anatomy, physiology and pathology.

The objective of the exam is to verify the level of achievement of the indicated training objectives. The test will be oral and focus on the contents of the lectures, concerning the surgical techniques (general and specialist aspects) of the module in question. The test consists for each module of the integrated course in a question in which the student is asked to describe in a concise but relevant way all the important aspects of the specialized surgical techniques of the module in question. Knowledge of the reactions of orthopedic surgery and the materials used and the student's ability to identify the key points will be assessed. Exposure clarity and language properties will also be evaluated. The test is graded out of thirty and passed with a mark of at least 18/30. The final grade will be the arithmetic average of the results of the three individual tests corresponding to the three teaching modules. Honors are awarded only in the case of a grade of 30 in all three modules. The sufficiency will be based on the knowledge referred to the oral exam of the material presented in class, in terms of slides.

Voto Finale

The course aims to offer a systematic overview of the main biotechnologies in the healthcare environment and in particular in the orthopedic-trauma field.
At the end of the course, the student is required to demonstrate knowledge in relation to orthopedic biotechnologies and the pathologies that require the use of a biomedical device.
The learning objectives are:
- to know the main characteristics of a prosthetic implant or a fixation device
- to describe the main biomaterials used
- to describe how to fix an orthopedic implant
- to analyze what are the mechanisms underlying the degradation of a material and what are the effects on the human body

The teaching activity concerns in particular the following topics:
- notes on osteoarthritis and classification of joint prostheses
- fixation of joint prostheses: osteointegration and acrylic cement
- wear of materials
- the biological aspect of foreign body reaction and the aseptic loosening of implants
- notes on fractures and their treatment
- evolution of the fixation devices

Complimentary slides/notes will be distributed during lessons

Frontal lessons with the use of slides. The activities also include the illustration of the various orthopedic implants currently in use, including through photos and technical videos.
Compatibly with the availability of the teacher and the voluntary acceptance of the students, visits to the operating room will be carried out in small groups (2 people) in order to see directly some of the concepts expressed in the lessons.

The teacher receives by appointment, upon request by mail.