BIOTECHNOLOGY IN CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES - Neurosurgery integrated with Neuroimaging

Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in BIOTECHNOLOGY
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (24 hours)

No preparatory qualifications are required for the Neurosurgery module. Basic knowledge of anatomy and physiology is recommended.

The exam will consist of an oral test, on one of the main topics of the course, in which the student will be asked to demonstrate knowledge of the program carried out. The minimum requirement is that the student describe the required topic with language properties, based on the accuracy and precision of the answers to the questions that will be asked, the teacher will assess the level of study and decide the grade. The grade obtained in this module will then be mediated with the grade obtained in the Neurology module integrated with Neuroimaging. Honors will be possible only if the student passes the partial exams on the two modules with full marks.

Voto Finale

Knowledge of CNS and PNS diseases by main categories and their importance and epidemiological significance; insights into the physiopathological mechanisms aimed at diagnosis and treatment prospects.
Knowledge relating to the use of biotechnology in applied research in the field of neuroscience. Basic knowledge regarding the surgical aspects of diseases of the nervous system, evaluation of patients and classification of surgical indications, neuroradiological aspects and advanced diagnostic techniques, basic surgical techniques, aspects of surgical emergencies concerning the nervous system.
Expected learning outcomes at the end of the course:
Know the characteristics and manifestations of the main neurosurgical diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. - Knowledge of diagnostic, biochemical and radiological techniques, of the main neurosurgical pathologies.

Principles of pathophysiology of neurosurgical diseases of the nervous system and anatomical-functional correlations. Classification of the main neurosurgical diseases. Neurobiological aspects and investigation techniques of the main pathologies of the central and peripheral nervous system: intracranial hypertension and altered alertness states, more common cerebral and spinal malformations, innovations in investigations and in the therapeutic perspectives of cerebral and spinal neoplastic pathology, treatments and techniques in cerebral and spinal hemorrhagic pathologies, diagnostic techniques in CNS infections, principles of treatment of traumatic and degenerative cranial and spinal pathology.

M Fontanella: Neurosurgery in 10 lessons. Minerva Medica Editions

The teaching activity includes lectures that will be held with the help of Power Point presentations (slides in Italian and English).

The teacher is available for in-depth or clarification meetings on the topics covered. Reception of students on microsoft teams, to be agreed via e-mail (