A thorough comprehension of the course entails basic knowledge in general pharmacology (imparted during the first year), human anatomy and physiology and general and clinical pathology (imparted during the first year).
The course aims to give the students information concerning the pharmacological and toxicological properties of specific therapeutical group of drugs. The main pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic and therapeutic use, interaction with other drugs and adverse effects will be described for each group. Students will be addressed to use the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic knowledge to perform a correct administration of such drugs.
The course of Clinical Pharmacology entails topics concerning the pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamics, adverse effects and drug interactions of some the main class of drugs. In particular the following classes of drugs will be treated: Drugs acting in the autonomic nervous system; NSAID, and corticosteroid antinflammatory drugs; opioid analgesics, local and general anesthetics, anxiolytics and hypnotics, antibiotics, antiviral, and antitumor chemotherapics, drugs used for gastrointestinal diseases, drugs modulating the coagulation cascade
General and Clinical Pharmacology. Katzung B.G. McGraw Hill Ed LANGE. XIV Edition
Pharmacology. Rang, Dale, Ritter, Flower, Henderson. Elsevier