- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Bibliography
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
The student must have passed all the exams and qualifications required for the previous year. There are no prerequisites for taking the final exam in Clinical Nursing and Health Education.
The final exam consists of a written test whose passing will allow access to the oral exam. The final grade will be formulated from the average of the written test plus the oral exam.
The objective of the Integrated Course in Clinical Nursing and Health Education will be to provide graduates with all the necessary knowledge to:
- Make decisions and solve problems in nursing care using the nursing disciplinary method
- Develop a MAPU-oriented nursing care plan (2015) and using ICNP® terminology
- Learn to recognize the nursing diagnoses that occur in care situations related to the most frequent priority health problems of the population.
- Identify nursing diagnoses, define outcomes and plan interventions taking into account: standards, efficacy tests, guidelines for the best clinical practice and professional ethics.
- Transmitting information, documenting and evaluating the various phases and results of the entire care process by collaborating and involving other health figures and the person being cared for.
- Establish and maintain the transpersonal care relationship in accordance with the principles and values of the person and the professional.
- Recognize care situations that require the formulation of judgments in accordance with professional principles, values and norms.
- Identify opportunities for information and education for people, families and the community to promote the adoption of healthy styles
- Employ health education methods and tools appropriate to the needs and characteristics of people and groups and evaluate the results.
- Know the current legislation in the field of professional responsibility and act in their own role.
- Knowing the roles and profiles of health, social and social-health figures to promote multidisciplinary and multi-professional activity in hospitals and territories.
- To know the current legislation concerning the safety of the care and of the assisted person and the nurse's contribution in reading and in the elaboration of good practices.
- Know the organizational models and identify those aimed at the continuity of assistance to the hospital area in terms of chronicity.
- Knowing methods and tools to analyze risk, in order to identify the nurse's contribution to risk prevention.
Clinical reasoning in the nursing care process. The phases of the nursing care process guided by MAPU (2015) and the international language ICNP®. The care risk and the altered functionality. Deepening of some of the most frequent nursing diagnoses in the population: risk of infection, fever, dehydration, edema, alteration of gas exchange, alteration of nutritional status, negative emotions. The characteristics of information to plan nursing care, to protect privacy, to ensure safety and continuity of care (in-depth study of laws and regulations; SBAR, use of technology, services available). The importance of EBP for nursing practice. Guidelines, PDTAs, procedures and protocols: features and their use. Recall to the meaning of professional responsibility in planning and providing assistance. Deontological aspects in care planning: the concepts of accountability, advocacy, caring and cooperation.
1. Promote health and prevent disease. Theories of change in individual behavior and the development of health skills
2. The main actions and interventions present in the ICNP® concerning the adoption of healthy lifestyles
3. Different methods of health and safety education (e-health, school nurse)
4. The main actions and interventions present in ICNP® that can be adopted in situations of risk and / or alteration of biophysiological processes, defense and protection, development and adaptation, learning (self-care and self-efficacy).
- The current legislation on professional liability and implications on nursing care.
- The legislation that regulates and identifies the role of health and social care workers and the profiles and skills of the personnel involved in multi-professional and multidisciplinary behavior.
- Description and analysis of organizational models for home care and hospital-territory continuity (Chronic Care Model).
- The case management and the introduction of the family and community nurse.
- The nursing profession and risk management: classification of errors, methods and tools to improve patient safety.
- The Good Practices to guarantee the safety of the care and the activities promoted at national and regional level for the application of recommendations and good practices intended as interventions or actions to avoid, prevent or mitigate the risks for the health of people during the assistance health. Consultation of the Osservatorio Agenas .
- Quality and safety standards and relative indicators for the development of quality of assistance.
- The SQUIRE guidelines to promote and improve excellent health through reports and descriptions of the European Union Network for Patient Safety and Quality of Care (PaSQ).
Artioli C., Copelli B. (2005) Assessment infermieristico. Milano: Poletto editore.
Ausili D., Baccin G., Bezze S., Di Mauro S., Sironi C., (2015) L’impiego dell’ICNP® con il Modello assistenziale dei processi umani: un quadro teorico per l’assistenza infermieristica di fronte alla sfida della complessità.
Benner P. (2003) L’eccellenza nella pratica clinica dell’infermiere. Milano: McGraw-Hill
Berman A., Snyder S.J., Frandsen G. (2016) Fondamenti di assistenza infermieristica secondo Kozier ed Erb. Concetti, procedure e pratica. Padova: Piccin.
Bugnoli S., (2010) La responsabilità dell’infermiere e le sue competenze. Maggioli editore
Chiari P., Mosci D., Naldi E. (2011) Evidence- Based Clinical Practice. La pratica clinico-assistenziale basata su prove di efficacia. Milano: McGraw-Hill
Craven R., Constance H., Jensen S. (2017) Principi fondamentali dell’assistenza infermieristica. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.
Hincliff S.M., Montague S.E., Watson R., (2004) Fisiologia per la pratica infermieristica. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
Lunney M. (2010) Il pensiero critico nell’assistenza infermieristica. Casi clinici con NANDA-I, NOC e NIC. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.
Quigley B.H., Palm M.L., Bickley L. (2017) Valutazione per l’assistenza infermieristica. Esame fisico e storia della persona assistita. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.
Sironi, Baccin (2006) Procedure per l’assistenza infermieristica. Milano: Masson.
Sironi (2010) Introduzione alla ricerca infermieristica. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
Smeltzer S., Bare B., Hinkle J., Cheever K. (2010) Infermieristica medico-chirurgica. Milano: CEA
Wilkinson J.M. (2003). Processo infermieristico e pensiero critico. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
Wilkinson J.M., Barcus L. (2017) Diagnosi infermieristiche con NOC e NIC. Milano: Casa editrice Ambrosiana.
Auxilia F., Pontello M. (2012) Igiene e Sanità Pubblica a cura di A. Pellai Educazione sanitaria, strategie educative e preventive per il paziente e la comunità Padova: Piccin
Craven R, Hirnle C, Jensen S. (2013) Principi fondamentali dell’Assistenza Infermieristica Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana. pag. 63-84
ICN International Council of Nurses (2016) Infermieri: una forza per cambiare. Migliorare la resilienza dei sistemi sanitari. Kit giornata internazionale degli infermieri 2016. Reperibile in
Prandi C., Vellone E. De Marinis M.G., Alvaro R. (2013) Aderenza alle cure: un tema di pertinenza anche infermieristica. Rivista l’Infermiere 57 (6) reperibile in
World Health Organization (1998) Health Promotion glossary recuperabile in
- Chiari P., Santullo A., L’infermiere Case Manager, McGraw-Hill, seconda edizione, Milano 2011;
- Stuani N., Signorotti L. (2008), Case management quale modalità organizzativa per la presa in carico e l’integrazione professionale: revisione della letteratura, Tempo di Nursing, 52: pp. 13-24;
- Tozzi Q., Caracci G., Labella B., Buone pratiche per la sicurezza in sanità, Roma: Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore, 2011.
- Legge n. 24/2017 consulted on:
- Osservatorio buone pratiche Agenas consulted on:
The course of clinical nursing consists of 60 hours; 45 hours of lectures and 15 hours dedicated to simulations, group work activities with report and exposure of the product. Lectures are supported by PPT slide show.
Teachers of the course are always available for tutoring activities, upon request of appointment via e-mail.