Degree course: 
Corso di Second cycle degree in CHEMISTRY
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (32 hours)

- General and inorganic chemistry basic and advanced knowledge.
- Physics and mathematics basic knowledge.
- Robust background in the fields of structural chemistry and X-Ray diffraction theory.
- Basic knowledge of the techniques and instrumentation for performing X-Ray powder diffraction experiments.

1) Oral presentation on a subject chosen by the student and related to the arguments of the lectures (% of the final grade: 40%).
2) Oral test, based on about 3 questions related to the course program (% of the final grade: 50%).
3) Evaluation of the report on the practical exercises written by the student, in terms of critical interpretation of the results obtained (% of the final grade: 10%).

Voto Finale

The main goal of the course is presenting methodological and structural aspects for the characterization of ionic and molecular solids, mostly, but not only, of inorganic nature.
During the first part of the course, some aspects of the wide world of the solid state chemistry will be introduced, with particular emphasis towards the structural description of inorganic crystalline materials and their defectiveness, to the structural- properties relationships of these materials and to the interplay between their functional properties and technological applications.
In the second part, the knowledge acquired during the course of “Strutturistica Chimica” will be developed, with particular reference towards powder diffraction characterization methods. Frontier methodologies for structural and microstructural characterization of defective materials and nanomaterials will be also presented and described (with the aid of practical sessions).

X-ray powder diffraction and total scattering methods for the structural and microstructural characterization of crystalline materials.

- Revision on the diffraction theory.
- Powder diffraction: indexing and structural solution; the Rietveld method; X-Ray scattering techniques for the structural and microstructural characterization of crystalline (defective) and nanocrystalline materials
-Elements of Small Angle X-Ray Scattering.

Suggested textbooks:

“Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry” di F. Donald Bloss. Mineralogical Society of America.

“Polymorphism in Molecular Crystals” di Joel Bernstein. Oxford Science Publications.

“Fundamentals of Crystallography", di C. Giacovazzo, H.L. Monaco, G. Artioli, D. Viterbo, G. Ferraris, G. Gilli, G. Zanotti, M. Catti. Oxford University Press.

“Fundamentals of Crystallography", by C. Giacovazzo, H.L. Monaco, G. Artioli, D. Viterbo, G. Ferraris, G.Gilli, G. Zanotti, M. Catti. Oxford University Press.

“Crystallography for health and biosciences”, by A. Guagliardi and N. Masciocchi, Insubria University Press.

Materials (slides, book chapters) provided during the course.

Part A + Part B of the course: 54 hours of classroom lectures and 10 hours of practical exercises on the applications of total scattering methods to the structural and microstructural characterization of nanocrystalline materials.

For any information, contact by e-mail:


Parent course