
Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (32 hours), Laboratory (32 hours)

Knowledge of Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry.

Final Examination: 

The exam consists of 6 questions (oral or written). The questions, both general and specific, will cover the theoretical program and experimental activity.
The objective of the exam is to check the
the level of achievement of the above-mentioned training objectives
In particular: the ability to link different aspects of the theoretical lessons and laboratory activities. In particular:
1. Knowledge of the theory will account for 75% of the final vote.
2. The laboratory activity and the laboratory report will account for 25% of the final vote.
The vote is expressed in thirty-five.

Voto Finale

Enzymes represent one of the the most important molecule class in biotechnology (both as subjects of investigation and as biocatalysts). The course provides a description of the basics of enzymatic catalysis and factors which influence enzyme properties, as well as, protein folding. Some applications of enzymes in industrial biotechnology will be provided. The course includes a discussion on the theoretical basis of enzyme catalysis and a quantitative analysis of enzyme reactions through a physical/mathematical approach. The course aims to provide the basis for a detailed knowledge of the mechanism of action of enzymes and their applications in biotechnology.
• Cognitive skills
- Acquire the basics of chemistry and mathematics at the basis of enzyme kinetics
- Possess the information necessary for the understanding of the molecular basis of enzyme catalysis and enzyme inhibition.
- Understand the chemical/physical factors that affect enzyme activity.
• Learning abilities
- ability to read, understand and criticize a scientific text concerning the course topics (in English)
- ability to use this knowledge to evaluate the aims and/or the results of a research project both on the qualitative and quantitative point of view
• Practical and subject specific skills
- Ability to understand and critically discuss the mechanism of enzyme action, in particular concerning potential biotechnological applications.
- Predict (also quantitatively) the evolution of enzyme-catalyzed reactions in different experimental/environmental conditions (both in vivo and in vitro).
- Understand the mechanisms of different enzymes in catalysis.
• Communication skills
- Ability to extract and synthesize relevant information
- Ability to effectively communicate using the correct terminology (both orally and in written form)
- Ability to summarize and present the information (also as mathematical terms, chemical reactions and charts).

Module “Enzymology” Gianluca Molla: 4 CFU – 32 hours class (Lectures)
- Chemical kinetics
- Transition state theory
- Enzymatic catalysis
- Enzymatic kinetics
- Inhibition
- Multisubstrate reactions
- Rapid kinetics
- Allosteric enzymes
- Temperature effect
- pH effect
- ligand binding
- folding 1
- folding 2 (in vivo)
- Computational enzymology
- Examples of industrial application of enzymes

Laboratorio (4 cfu, 32 ore):
- 6 Practical experiences (basic enzymology-bioconversions)

Slides of lessons: available on the E-learning website
Lecture notes and protocols for the laboratory): available on the E-learning website

Text book: Umberto Mura, "ENZIMI IN AZIONE" (EdiSES)


The course consists of 32 hours of theoretical lessons and 32 hours of laboratory activity corresponding to a total of 64 hours (6 CFU).
Lessons are supported by Powerpoint slides.
For the laboratory activities, students will be divided into small groups. Experimental protocols will be provided to each student.
Parteciaption to practical laboratory is mandatory (at least 75% of programmed lessons).
