Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (32 hours)

No prerequisites are required.

Final Examination: 

The examination is organized in a written test concerning the different procedures for the environmental compatibility and the connections that may exist between them. The students are called to provide descriptions of the content of the technical documentation to support of the administrative procedures of environmental compatibility. To every correct answer is assigned a punctuation. The examination is successful with 18 points (18/30). During the exam, get out of the class is not allowed, as well as the use of mobile phones or other electronic devices. All the sheets provided before the exam should be devolved at the end of the test, with name, surname and matricula. Parts wrote in pencil and colors which are not blue or black will not be corrected. All the topics of the exam will be introduced within the platform e-learning. The students allowed to attend the exams should be registered regularly at the on-line platform and should provide the university card before starting the exam. In case of refusal of the final score, the student should communicate it within 5 days after the publication of the vote in the ESSE3 platform.

Voto Finale

Aim of the course
The course aims at providing basic knowledge of the regulatory elements, methodological and technical procedures for the various environmental compatibility of plans and projects. In particular, it describes the actors and stakeholders involved in the decisional process regarding the environmental compatibility, the requested technical documentation (i.e. Environmental Impact Assessment) in support of the procedures, the technical contents of such documents, the timing and mode for developing the various technical and administrative procedures such as the Environmental Impact Assessment, Strategic Environmental Assessment, Integrated Environmental Authorization, the Assessment of plans and projects significantly affecting Natura 2000 sites.

Learning outcomes
• Cognitive skills
- acquire the fundamentals information needed to address a critical evaluation process of a plan or project in relation to potential environmental criticalities.
- acquire the required information related to the contamination issues of different ecosystems (air, water, soil)
• Learning abilities
- ability to read, understand and criticize a scientific text about environmental pollution (also in English)
- ability to read, understand and comment technical documents in support of applications for environmental compatibility
• Practical and subject specific skills
- ability to propose a problem-solving approach
- ability to identify the main environmental issues necessary for the development of technical documentation in support of applications for environmental compatibility
• Communication skills
- ability to identify, extract and synthesize relevant information
- demonstrate effective communication skills by practicing, reading, writing and speaking clearly
- demonstrate the ability to communicate with industry experts.

The contents of the course are listed below. All the arguments are quite equivalent as regard the hours dedicated to the lessons, except for the procedure for the environmental impact assessment and the structure of the environmental impact study, where more time is dedicated. The arguments are:
• Regulatory elements at national and European level
• Environmental management systems, ISO 14.001, EMAS
• Ecolabel trademark
• The procedure of screening of subjection to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
• The procedure of EIA
• The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
• Incidence Assessment and connection between the different procedures
• Structure and contents of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
• Simulation models and application fields
• Indicators and indexes
• Mitigation and compensation systems
• Environmental Monitoring

All the items above listed will have a similar duration in terms of time for presentation.

Slides of lessons: from the e-learning website
Torretta V. Studi e procedure di Valutazione di Impatto Ambientale. Flaccovio Editore, 2010
Monte M., Torretta V. Valutazione e impatto ambientale – Manuale tecnico-operativo per la elaborazione di studi di impatto ambientale. Hoepli Editore, 2016


The course is based on frontal theoretical lessons.

Office Hours
Students can meet with the professor in his office by previous phone or email appointment.

Schedule of educational activities
Hyperlink to the page of orari e sedi del CdS

Exam sessions
Hyperlink to the page of bacheca appelli

Borrowed from

click on the activity card to see more information, such as the teacher and descriptive texts.