Degree course: 
Corso di Second cycle degree in BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (32 hours)

Although not mandatory, knowledge of general and molecular pharmacology as well as basics of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology are preferred.

Final Examination: 

The final exam will consist of a written test composed by 6 multiple-choice questions (2 points/each) and 4 free response questions (4-5 points/each). Top marks (greater than 28/30 and honors), will only be awarded to students who have smartly presented and actively participated in the case study discussions.

Voto Finale

The main goal of this course is to provide detailed information on the pharmacological and toxicological aspects of the main groups of drugs prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- Discuss the use of banned substances and methods to enhance performance in sport, taking into account their potential adverse effects and related ethical issues;
- Review those drugs which are restricted or permitted in particular situations in sport (therapeutic use exemption);
- Describe the most recent control monitoring programs established by the World Anti-Doping Agency at major international sport competitions;
- Describe the proposed mechanisms of action and the potential ergogenic value of some dietary supplements in performance enhancement.

- Drug abuse and doping: general aspects and epidemiology
- International regulatory aspects for doping: World Anti-Doping Code; Medicinal products subject to restrictions and their prescription in case of therapeutic use; request for exemption for therapeutic purposes; declaration of therapeutic use
- List of substances and medical practices considered doping and the pharmacological and toxicological aspects of different classes of prohibited drugs:
1) anabolic androgenic steroids;
2) hormone and metabolic modulators;
3) beta-2-agonists;
4) peptide hormones and growth factors;
5) blood doping;
6) gene doping;
7) diuretics and masking agents;
8) beta blockers;
9) stimulants and cognitive enhancers;
10) cannabinoids;
11) alcohol;
12) narcotics;
13) glucocorticoids.
- Nutritional supplements and herbal preparations in sport
- Doping controls and detection methods

- Drug abuse and doping: general aspects and epidemiology
- International regulatory aspects for doping: World Anti-Doping Code; Medicinal products subject to restrictions and their prescription in case of therapeutic use; request for exemption for therapeutic purposes; declaration of therapeutic use
- List of substances and medical practices considered doping and the pharmacological and toxicological aspects of different classes of prohibited drugs:
1) anabolic androgenic steroids;
2) hormone and metabolic modulators;
3) beta-2-agonists;
4) peptide hormones and growth factors;
5) blood doping;
6) gene doping;
7) diuretics and masking agents;
8) beta blockers;
9) stimulants and cognitive enhancers;
10) cannabinoids;
11) alcohol;
12) narcotics;
13) glucocorticoids.
- Nutritional supplements and herbal preparations in sport
- Doping controls and detection methods

Lecture slides and review articles. All material used during the course will be uploaded on the e-learning platform.


Classroom lectures will be carried out with the use of PowerPoint presentations. Lecture slides will be made available to all students on the e-learning platform at the end of each lesson. To stimulate students’ engagement and learning and promote their communication abilities and analytical thinking skills, students will be asked to prepare and critically discuss famous case studies in doping history.

Contact information: send an email to for any enquiry or to make an appointment.
