Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Professional education
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 


Final Examination: 

The final evaluation is done through a learning test consisting of 30 items (15 for the part of Psychology and 15 for Genetics) with multiple choice answers that relate to the topics presented in the lessons and included in the program. The exam is passed if the score result sufficient in both parts. The final vote, expressed in thirtieths, corresponds to the sum of the votes obtained in each part. At the discretion of the committee, the script may be supplemented by an oral examination aimed to better understanding the degree of student preparation.

Voto Finale

The course provide to the students theoretical basis to understand the foundamental mechanisms that regulate the normal and pathological functioning and development of the body-mind system in humans.
The course is composed by two parts: (I) Psychology; (II) Genetics
(I) PSYCHOLOGY – Teacher: Dott.ssa Eugenia Trotti
The target is to provide students with the theoretical foundations of Psychology that contribute to explaining the functioning and the development of the bio-psycho-social entity called “personality”.
(II) GENETICS – Teacher: Dott. Roberto Valli
The target of the course of Medical Genetics will be to provide to the students the basis of the knowledge of the genic and chromosomal mechanisms that could explain human pathologies.

(I) PSYCHOLOGY (20 hours)
Normal e patological personality. Basic theories and models:
Psicodinamic approach: S. Freud, O. Kernberg, J. Bowlby.
Behaviourism: S-R paradigm
Cognitivism: Rationalist and Post-razionalist models
Humanistic Psychology: C. Rogers and A. Maslow
Sistemic model.
Evolutionism and Neuroscience in the explanation of human adjustment and behaviour.
Psycho-Neuro-Endocrine-Immunology in the explanation of human response and adjustment to stress.
(II) GENETICS (20 hours)
The molecules of life – Mitosis and Meiosis.
Mendel’s laws
Humans pedigrees: study and analysis.
Chromosome structure
Genic and chromosomal mutations. Mechanisms of formation and conseguences.
Chromosomal sex determination. Medical genetics of pathologies related to sex chromosomes
Medical genetics of Down’s, Edwards’ and Patau’s Syndrome. Uniparental disomy and genomic imprinting. Genetic consequences and examples of some related syndomes.
Fragiel X Syndrome, Huntington’s disease

- Passer M, Holt N, et al. “Psicologia Generale”. Milano, Mc GrawHill Ed. 2015
- slides of the lessons
- E. S. Tobias, M Connor, M. Ferguson-Smith - Fondamenti di Genetica Medica – Pearson
- L. Tiepolo, U. Laudani: Le basi biologiche dell’ereditarietà - 3° ed. Editore La Goliardica Pavese

For the course you will have frontal lessons supported by slides to facilitate synthesis and attention. During classroom discussions, students are encouraged to interact with teachers with questions and curiosities. The teachers will also present daily facts and clinical cases that can make sense of general importance and the professional application of the topics.
Students are required to attend the lessons as set out in the teaching regulation of the course and to sign the attendance sheet to be able to take the exam.

The teachers are available to receive the students by appointment
