Need to have taken the exam of Biochemistry.
Need to have taken the exam of Chemistry
Provide an overview of the basic principles of metabolism and metabolic effects of the main hormones.
Moreover, provide the knowledge of analytical techniques for use in clinical biochemistry. At the end of the course the student should be able to solve problems involving preparation of solutions and an incorrect result obtained by a technique.
In history of medicine the following topics will be discussed:
1) Introduction to History of Medicine and the prehistory of the cure
2) Biomedical techniques for the study of ancient human remains
3) Paleopathology. Study of pathological evidences of osteoarcheological finds
4) Medicine of the Ancient near East
5) Egyptian medicine
6) Greek-Roman medicine
7) Medicine of the Middle Ages and monastic medicine. The Salerno school and the Universities
8) Anatomical theaters and History of Medicine of Renaissance Period
9) Medicine of the 18th and 19th centuries
11) The 20th century
Slides of the lessons;
Giuseppe Armocida, Bruno Zanobio. Storia della Medicina (II ed.), 2002;
Marta Licata. Questioni emergenti in Osteoarcheologia, 2016.