Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Movement science
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (20 hours)

In-depth knowledge of the following chapters of physiology is essential: blood, neurophysiology, muscle, cardio-circulatory and respiratory systems.

Written exam with multiple choice questions on all the topics covered in the course. For the execution of the exam, 1 hour will be allocated to answer 33 questions. The final evaluations will be on a scale of 30.

Voto Finale

The course aims to provide an overview of which parameters and tests should be used to perform a correct functional evaluation of the athlete and his sport gesture. Due to their importance, some of these actions, such as throwing, jumping and walking/running, will be evaluated not only from an energetic point of view, but also from a mechanical one. Finally, the student will acquire knowledge of the main methods of determination which can be used in assessing the state of training and acute cardiopulmonary and neuroendocrine responses to physical exercise and training.

1. Reference models and classification of sports based on energy expenditure. Energetic, cardiovascular, biomechanical, muscular and psycho-motivational models. Aerobic, anaerobic alactacid and lactacid processes. Fuel of choice in muscle work and substrate reserves.
2. Models for the evaluation of sport activity based on the substrate consumption. Control of substrate consumption. The indirect calorimetry and the respiratory exchange ratio at rest and during exercise. Resting metabolism and caloric value of the substrates for exercise. Maximum lipid power and cross-over point during incremental tests.
3. Methods for assessing the anaerobic threshold by lactate assay and ventilation analysis. The anaerobic lactacid metabolism in physical exercise. Concept and physiology of the anaerobic threshold. Methods for estimating the anaerobic threshold. Ventilatory thresholds. Lactate curve during exercise. Concept of OBLA and MLSS. Mader test.
4. Methods for assessing oxygen consumption: the cardiopulmonary exercise test. From the Fick's equation to the integrated heart-lung-muscle complex at rest and during submaximal and maximal exercise. Pulmonary and cardiovascular adaptations to submaximal and maximal, isotonic and isometric muscle exercise. Cardio-circulatory changes induced by training. Models for the study of oxygen consumption. Maximum oxygen consumption: definition, meaning, measurement methods and values in sedentary subjects and in athletes of different sports, according to age and sex.
5. Heart rate: definition and physiology. Autonomic control of the cardiovascular system. Adaptations of heart rate to workload and HR-based threshold test: the Conconi test. ECG and heart rate at rest and during exercise. Cardiac adaptations to training: athletes, sedentary people, young, elderly, males, females. Heart rate measurement: heart rate monitors.
6. Methods of evaluation of anaerobic-alactacid mechanisms. Phosphocreatine metabolism. Margaria test. Wingate test. Vertical jump. Bosco test.
7. Methods of evaluating the mechanics and bioenergetics of walking and running. Energetics and dynamics of walking, reference models. Walking phases. Running energetics and mechanics, reference models. Energy cost of locomotion and its evaluation. Reference models for the study of race walking.
8. Methods for assessing the mechanical and energy efficiency of the overhead throw. Joint powers of the upper limb during the throw. Anatomical considerations and reuse of elastic energy in the overhead throw. Rate of force development. Core stability during throwing.


The main source of reference for the study will be the course slides. Other complementary texts:
• Dal Monte A, Faina M. Valutazione dell’atleta. Analisi funzionale e biomeccanica della capacità di prestazione. Ed. UTET
• Legnani G, Palmieri G, Fassi I. Introduzione alla biomeccanica dello sport. Ed. CittàStudi
• Hale T. Exercise Physiology. Ed. Wiley

The course is given in frontal lectures on theoretical aspects and illustration of typical tests execution. Lesson attendance is mandatory. The didactic themes will be integrated with material taken from the latest international scientific literature.

The professor is available in the classroom after each lesson and in his office by appointment (e-mail: