Gnetics:Molecular, cellular, tissue and systemic scale of the human physio-pathology explained by the the biological and genetic point of view. Introduce the dictionary of the experimental and biological science applied to medicine. The knowledge of the pathological phenotype as the interaction of the genotype with the environment.
Antropology:To provide basic knowledge of biological anthropology. To understand the evolutionary aspects of human morphology and learn the anthropometric methods.
The function of DNA
The structure of DNA
Duplication of DNA
Semi-conservative duplication
Replication fork
Proteic Syntesis
Genetic code
Bacteric ricombination
The mitosis
The meiosis
Examples of mutations
Molecular biology
and Paleoanthropology, the history of discipline (Cuvier, Lamark, Darwin).
From Sahelanthropus tchadensis to australopitecine forms: Analysis of fossil findings
Paleoanthropology, australopitecine forms: anamensis, afarensis, africanus
Evolution of Man: Homo antecessor, Homo erectus, Homo ergaster, Homo georgicus, Homo habilis, Homo heidelbergensis, Homo naledi, Homo neanderthalensis Homo sapiens
Physical anthropology: application of the identification methods on the skeleton
Anthropometry: Metric analysis and calculation of bodily indices.
Forensic Anthropology: Identifying anthropological investigations in the criminological field.
Anthropology of sport. Survey of constitutional profiles.
Slides of course
G. Manzi, Il grande racconto dell’evoluzione umana. Il Mulino, 2013.
M. Licata, Questioni emergenti in osteoarcheologia. Mimesis, Edizioni 2016.
F. Cagnazzo,R Cagnazzo, Valutazione antropometrica in clinica, riabilitazione e sport. . Raffaele edizioni Edi. Ermes, 2009.