- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Full programme
- Bibliography
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
In order to profitably attend classes and pass the final examination, students should already have a knowledge of the Russian language at the B1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (2001).
Propedeuticity: Russian language II
Learning will be verified through a final exam aimed at evaluating knowledge and language skills (Reading, Speaking, Writing), according to the norms developed by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, 2001.
The exam consists of a written test with different activities and an oral test. It is compulsory to take the written test before the oral exam.
The oral examination is subdivided into the theoretical part of the course and the part related to the practical lessons.
The aim of this course is to bring students who already possess intermediate morphosyntactic language skills in Russian to a level of competence comparable to B2 (Постпороговый Уровень - Vantage Level).
The course aims to increase knowledge and understanding of different aspects of the Russian language, with particular focus on the lexicon and the morphosynthax, further strengthening communicative skills.
• syntax of simple and complex sentences; in-depth analysis of specific grammatical issues: time complements; pronouns (negative, indefinite); verbs (gerunds, participles); verbal aspects; prefixation.
• vocabulary and cultural knowledge (страноведение, культурология).
1. PARTICIPLES – Причастия
2. GERUNDS-Деепричастия
3. NEGATIVE PRONOUS - Отрицательные местоимения и наречия
4. RELATIVE SENTENCES - Придаточные предложения определительные / Causation - Обстоятельствo причины
5. CAUSATIVE SENTENCES - Придаточные предложения причины
6. MODAL SENTENCES - Придаточные предложения образа действия
7. CONCESSIVE SENTENCES - Придаточные предложения уступительные
8. TIME SENTENCES - Придаточные предложения времени / FINAL SENTENCES - Придаточные предложения цели
9. INDEFINITE SENTENCES - Неопределенные местоимения и наречия
10. LOCATIVE SENTENCES -Придаточные предложения места / CONDITIONAL SENTENCES - Условные придаточные предложения
N. Nikitina. Corso di Russo Livelli B1-B2 Nuova Edizione. Milano: Hoepli.
Course Power Point Presentations are available in the relevant folder on the ELearning system
Those who are not attending the course and those who wish to deepen individual aspects of the course are advised to read one or more of the following texts:
Supplementary texts:
• C. Cevese, Ju. Dobrovol’skaja, E. Magnanini. 2000. Grammatica Russa. Morfologia: Teoria e Esercizi. Milano: Hoepli.
•C. Cevese, Ju. Dobrovol’skaja. 2005. Sintassi Russa: Teoria e Esercizi. Milano: Hoepli.
•P. Cubberley. 2002. Russian: A linguistic Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kovalev, V. 2014. Il Kovalev. Dizionario italiano-russo e russo-italiano. IV Edizione. Bologna: Zanichelli.
The course runs throughout the Academic Year with 110 hours of lessons (60 hours of the theoretical course and 50 hours of practical sessions).
The program is divided into two modules.
Continuous attendance is strongly recommended. Non-attending students should contact the course tutor at the beginning of the academic year in order to agree a supplementary program.