Degree course: 
Corso di Second cycle degree in ECONOMICS, FINANCE AND BUSINESS LAW
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Optional subjects
Third Trimestre
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (20 hours)

No specific knowledge is required. The general knowledge of banking business acquired during the study path will be sufficient to deal with proposed topics.
No propaedeutic elements are requested.

Final Examination: 

Final exam will be oral. Will be made initially some general questions and subsequently questions about specific topics. The objective of the exam will be to ascertain the achievement of the above escribed learning goals, and final evaluation will be made on the basis of level of knowledge of different topics demonstrated by students and on their ability to link different arguments.
The final vote will be stated on 30/30 basis. The exam will be considered passed with a minimum vote of 18/30. The commission can attribute the "honors" when thorough answers with personal elaboration will be received.

Voto Finale

The course aims at understanding and learning the fundamental principles of internal control system and its role in the banking corporate governance, as well as operating principles, roles and responsibilities of relevant players according to regulation requirements.
At the end of the course it is expected that students have developed the following skills:
1) Awareness of internal control system general principles, of main laws and regulations applicable as well as best practices;
2) Understanding of banks peculiarities and knowledge of applicable guidelines;
3) Knowledge on main actors involved in the banks’ internal control system e their roles and responsibilities.
Furthermore it is expected that the above described skills enable students to develop the ability to link knowledge gained with the other organizational and management aspects regarding financial intermediaries acquired during their study path.

The course aims at analyzing and understanding the objectives and goals of internal control system within banks and its role in safeguarding the trust-based relationship with stakeholders and in preventing risks affecting banking business.
The course will focus in particular on principles and effective internal control system fundamental requirements also in the light of evolution of control models and attention that Regulators are in recent years paying in order to guarantee an adequate mitigation of relevant risks, prevention of reputational damages and adequate information for governance bodies.
In-depth analyses will be made in relation to the Risk Appetite Framework and risk management activities aimed at ensuring an effective internal control system.
Afterwards roles and responsibilities of the relevant governance bodies and corporate functions within in banks and banking groups will be analyzed as well as tasks attributed to second and third level control functions and their recent evolution.
Main topics covered will be:
• General principles of internal control system: definition, purpose, relevant laws and regulation, element and requirements, evolutions and peculiarities for banks (9 hours of frontal lessons);
• Role of main governance and control bodies ( 3 hours of frontal lessons);
• Second and third level controls: roles, responsibilities, information flow and undelying processes (6 hours of frontal lessons).

The slides presented during the lessons will be made available subsequently each lesson on the e-learning site. Study of the following learning material is required
- Banca d’Italia Circular n.285 dated 17 December 2013 and subsequent updates - Title IV Chapter III Internal Control System (;

Furthermore during lessons additional material will be suggested
Except for what above describe no use of e-learning platform is planned.


The Course involves 20 hours of frontal lessons through the active participation of students to analyze and solve practical issues.
Attendance is strongly recommended.
Frontal lessons allow a direct interaction with students that, following the academic explanation, can make questions and can be stimulated on specific topics and matters.

Office hours: by appointment to be required by e-mail
