Basic knowledge of chemistry, physics and geology
Oral examination. 1 report including both excursion topics is mandatory for the examination. Each evaluation will consider the clearness of the answers (40%), completeness of information in the reports (30%) and competence in evaluating and answering (30%).
This course aims to give an economic view to geology, with a particular focus on Georesources, Petroleum and Geothermal Geology.
Minerals and rocks; Geological evolution of the Earth; Geology of sedimentary basins; Petroleum geology; Geothermal geology. 2 field excursions on the geology and georesources of the Southern Alps are also organized and are mandatory for the final examination.
Metalli e Minerali industriali – Luciano Brigo e Fabio Montanari; Aracne editrice
Pianeta Pietra – Piero Primavori; Giorgio Zusi Editore
Introduction to Ore-Forming Processes – Laurence Robb; Blackwell Publishing
Geologia degli Idrocarburi – Pier Federico Barnaba; Brussola Editoriale
Geothermal Energy System – Ernst Huenges; Wiley-Vhc
Frontal Lessons (24 hours); 2 daily field excursions (16 hours)