Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (48 hours)

Knowledge of basic concepts of biology, chemistry and ecology is suggested.
No formal propedeuticity is required.

Final Examination: 

The aim of the final exam is to verify the level of knowledge of the covered topics through a written exam (6 questions in 1 hour) scored out of a maximum of 30 points. The exam questions will be related to the covered topics.
The examination will aim to the evaluation of the level of knowledge and comprehension of the topics covered during the course (40%), the ability of linking the different topics (30%), clarity (20%) and the use of a scientific language appropriate to the field (10%).

Voto Finale

The course will provide advanced knowledge of general microbiology and specific capabilities necessary for the comprehension of microbiological notions based on the structure of the bacterial cell, the bacterial growth and the factors influencing the growth, the different metabolic strategies and the genetic recombination processes, with a specific focus on the environmental microorganisms.
The acquired knowledge and capabilities can be used for the study of broader topics of the training course.
At the end of the course the student will acquire the ability of applying the theoretical knowledge in the environmental microbiological field and the ability of dealing with the aspects linked to the activity, role and potentiality of the microorganisms in the environment, developing communication skills, appropriate scientific language, critical approach and ability to link different covered topics.

The theoretical knowledge will be acquired through the following programme focused on general microbiology topics with a specific attention to the environmental microorganisms.

Introduction and history of microbiology. (2 hours)
Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell structure. (2 hours)
Molecular systematic and microbial evolution. (2 hours)
Principles of microscopy. (2 hours)
Morphology and cytology of the bacterial cell. (6 hours)
Sterilisation techniques and work in sterile conditions. (2 hours)
Nutrition and cultivation of bacteria. (4 hours)
Bacterial growth and techniques to measure the growth and to determine the microbial counts. (6 hours)
Factors influencing the growth: temperature, pH, oxygen, osmotic pressure, hydrostatic pressure. (4 hours)
Metabolic diversity in prokaryotes: aerobic and anaerobic respiration, fermentation and photometabolism. (8 hours)
Principles of virology. (2 hours)
Genetic recombination in bacteria. (2 hours)
Brief description of role of microorganisms in different habitats and in the biogeochemical cycles, and of their potentiality in the preservation of the environment. (6 hours).

The student will acquire the knowledge of the study of the microorganisms, based on the recent international scientific literature, will develop the capability of applying the acquired knowledge to the emerging environmental issues and will gain communication skills, and critical and independent approach linked to the covered topics.

Biavati e Sorlini. Microbiologia generale e agraria, CEA, Zanichelli, 2012.
Madigan et al. Biologia dei microrganismi, Pearson, 2016.
Wessner et al. Microbiologia, Zanichelli, 2015.

Pdf slides will be available on the e-learning platform.


The objectives of the course will be achieved through 48 hours lectures (in teleconference Varese - Como).
On the request of the students, explanation of specific topics, covered in previous lectures, will be provided and the request of clarification will be possible at any time during the lecture.

Appointment via email Elisabetta.Zanardini@uninsubria.it

DiSAT, Via Valleggio 11, Como.