Degree course: 
Corso di Second cycle degree in ECONOMICS, FINANCE AND BUSINESS LAW
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (40 hours)

Knowledge of basic items in structure, tasks and regulation of a financial system (intermediaries and markets). No prerequisites are required.

Final Examination: 

There is only a final exam, in the form of oral examination, based on 5-6 questions about the themes treated during the course and included in the course program. The oral examination is structured in two parts: the first is carried out by an assistant, the second by prof. Locatelli. It is aimed at evaluating the level of knowledge and critical approach to bank’s management topics. Depending on the number of candidates, the course lecturer can opt for a written exam (composed by 6 short and 4 long questions). In this case the student can ask for an oral examination.
When topics are fully comprised and exposed, with a critical approach and a multidisciplinary view, the lecturer can give a laude.
No difference in programme and texts among students actively attending the course and students non attending it.
Anyway, complexity of themes and management tools suggests an active participation of lessons and other teaching activities (seminars).
No other forms of evaluation are programmed.

Voto Finale

The course gives basic elements about main items, tasks and instruments in banking management.
A student will get a comprehension of basic items in banking management and will be able to give a representation about single management areas and tools. According to the complexity of bank management tools and topics this course aims at giving basic knowledge of banking management. Additional specialistic courses are recommended.
Expected learning result (abilities) can be described as follows:
- understand links between banking management objectives and single management areas
- understand consequences on a bank financial position, profitability and risk generated by main activities and operations
- know and understand relations between management choices and burdens coming from specific regulation
- aknowledge risk consequences deriving from main management choices in a bank
- know and use techinical language and terms used at a international level, particularly english

1. A bank as a private company: microeconomic themes (4 hours)
1.1. The production process in banks and its economic effects
1.2. Business and legal models in banking; the relationship between banks and territory
2. Objectives and constraints in banking management.(4 hours)
2.1 Value creation as a primary task
2.2 Economic and financial equilibrium
2.3 The links between prudential regulation and management rules
2.4. The balance sheet analysis for a bank. Basic items
3. Banking management as risk management (16 hours)
3.1 Banking risks: categories and measurement techniques
3.2 Financial management and asset and liability management
3.3 Credit risk: definition, measurement and management
3.4 Market risk: definition, measurement and management
3.3 Operational and reputational risks: definition, measurement and management
4. The traditional management areas for a bank (16 hours)
4.1 Funding and liabilities management
4.2 Credit management
4.3 Securities portfolio management
4.4 Liquidity and cash management
4.5 Own funds: structure and connected policies

The student must prepare the exam choosing one of the following books:
Biasin-Cosma-Oriani (2013), La banca. Istituzione e impresa, Isedi, Novara
Tutino (2015), La banca. Economia, finanza, gestione, Il Mulino, Bologna
Casu-Girardoni-Molyneux (2015), Introduction to banking, second edition, Pearson, Harlow (UK)
Each year some other textbooks, papers and documents are suggested for deepening and updating of single items treated in textbooks and during lectures.
Slide used for lectures and other documents are published on the course e-learning. Specific slides are published before each lecture.
Consultation of the course e-elearning page is recommend.


The course is delivered by lectures given by prof. Locatelli. Each year are organized 2 or 3 seminars (two ours each) given by invited banking managers or experts on specific themes. If possible, a visit to a bank’s or a financial company headquarters is organized for active students.
During lectures and seminars students can discuss with the teacher single topics and receive references on bibliographic sources.

The lecturer meet students weekly except holidays and in august. Students can also send an e-mail and ask for a specific and different date.
Please see teachers' receiving schedules on the specific web page.
