Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (64 hours)

not required

Final Examination: 

The examination involves the assessment of expected knowledge through the integration of two tests:
- an oral examination to ascertain the basic knowledge;
- the project work to be carried out also in subgroups (maximum 5 people) to examine the project competences

The final evaluation will be a summary of the results of the two tests through an average that will become the final grade of the course

Voto Finale

At the end of the course participants will have to demonstrate their ability to:

- to know the basic elements of education, and in particular of adult education, as a science;
- understand the different currents related to adult learning in working contexts;
- to know and apply a glossary consistent with the world of work pedagogy;
- to know the basic models of training design and the phases of professional development;
designing a training course about an identified target group;
- carry out a field survey to understand how professional identity is developed;
- to focus on the outstanding issues in the field of adult education.

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Presentation of some authors who have defined the basic elements of a theory of learning in working contexts, in particular we will refer to Ericsson, Billett, Wenger, Knowles, Kolb, Mezirow, Engestrom.
Particular attention will be paid to some models of design of training interventions related to organizational development, even with the use of new technologies, on these models will be carried out some exercises and simulations.
The role of the trainer will be analysed starting from some experiences and testimonies through autobiographies and testimonies.
The course will present some continuous training practices that have emerged in recent research, including Continuing Professional Development, e. Action Learning, Change Laboratory, Visual Learning, Knowledge Management.

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Lesson notes.
Bochicchio F., Rivoltella P.C., L’agire organizzativo. Manuale per professionisti della formazione, ELS La Scuola, Brescia. 2017 (le parti saranno indicate a lezione)
Bonometti S., Lavorando s’impara. Riflessioni didattiche sulla formazione esperienziale, PensaMultimedia, Lecce, 2013.
Rotondi M., Facilitare l’apprendimento. Modi e percorsi per una formazione di qualità, FrancoAngeli, 2004.
For the volumes indicated, the priority parts will be indicated in the lesson

Recommended readings:
G. P. Quaglino, Fare formazione. I fondamenti della formazione e i nuovi traguardi, Raffaello Cortina, Milano, 2005
G.P. Quaglino, La scuola della vita. Manifesto per la terza formazione, Cortina editore.
D. Lipari, Storie di formatori. Esperienza, apprendimento, professione, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2014.
M. Knowles, Quando l’adulto impara, FrancoAngeli


The learning process will be characterized by a stimulus moment to stimulate reflection and confrontation connected with a concrete experience. This stimulus will be linked to the central concepts of the lesson which will be presented through diagrams, slides and an interactive dialogue with the students. In addition, film sequences will be used as a support to understand more specifically certain skills and concepts. Finally, participants will be asked to produce a project work that provides for the implementation of a training plan aimed at a specific target group and in a context chosen by the students. This PW will have an evaluation.

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During the lessons, the online space on the platform will be available as a support environment, exchange of materials and space for discussion to resolve doubts. In this space, it is possible to monitor the learning through short general questions.
