
Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Communication Sciences
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (48 hours)

The course doesn’t require previous knowledge

Final Examination: 

The final examination consists of a verbal test.
The final mark is based on a assessment on the answers to the questions.
The exam is passed with the minimum score of 18/30.

Voto Finale

The Marketing course belongs to the field of economics. At the end of the course the student will be able to:
a) Acquire a general marketing framework
b) Know the fundamental characteristics of the market
c) Critically read the socio-cultural context and the behavior of consumers and businesses
d) Understand the Marketing Strategies

Economic Theory: market structure and analysis of supply and demand. Consumer needs, goods (and services). The perception of value. The creation of value. Production, product sales. Marketing and business organization. Strategic and Operational Marketing. Strategic Marketing Planning. Internal and external Audit. SWOT analysis. Market Segmentation (targeting). The 4 P of marketing: product, price, point of sale, promotion. Marketing mix. The three key processes: PDM (product & service development management), SCM (supply chain management), CRM (customer relationship management). Analysis of the competition. Competitive strategies. The definition of the brand (branding). The product line. Life cycle of the product. Communication and the media. Advertising. Marketing of events. Viral Marketing, Tribal Marketing, Web Marketing, Marketing and Social Network. Applications of Visual Merchandising Marketing. Direct Marketing. Experiential Marketing. City Marketing.

Economic Theory: market structure and analysis of supply and demand. Consumer needs, goods (and services). The perception of value. The creation of value. Production, product sales. Marketing and business organization. Strategic and Operational Marketing. Strategic Marketing Planning. Internal and external Audit. SWOT analysis. Market Segmentation (targeting). The 4 P of marketing: product, price, point of sale, promotion. Marketing mix. The three key processes: PDM (product & service development management), SCM (supply chain management), CRM (customer relationship management). Analysis of the competition. Competitive strategies. The definition of the brand (branding). The product line. Life cycle of the product. Communication and the media. Advertising. Marketing of events. Viral Marketing, Tribal Marketing, Web Marketing, Marketing and Social Network. Applications of Visual Merchandising Marketing. Direct Marketing. Experiential Marketing. City Marketing.

Kotler P.; Armstrong G.; (e altri) PRINCIPI DI MARKETING - Ed. PEARSON, 2015
G. Brusa, LA PERCEZIONE DEL VALORE, Ed. Maggioli, 2007
G. Brusa, GOLEMARKETING, Ed. Maggioli, 2018

The course will be delivered with frontal lessons, for the total amount of 48 hours. They will be all conducted by the tenured professor of the course, with the support of PPT presentations, encouraging interaction between the lecturer and students. At the end of each lesson students can ask for clarifications and further explanations of the topics proposed.

Office hours: every Thursday from 13:00 to 14:00
