Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Communication Sciences
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (64 hours)


The final exam will be written (length: 2 hours) and will consist of two parts: the first part will be a multiple-choice exam consisting of 30 questions (1 point for each correct answer; -0,5 for each incorrect answer; 0 point for no answer); the second will be an open-question exam consisting of two open questions (the first concerning the main themes covered during the course, the second concerning the book at choice) where the student is asked to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the course contents, and his/her ability to place events to the broader historical context using an appropriate language.
The exam is passed with a score of 18/30 minimum in both sections.
The final grade is derived from the average of the two scores (if the average score is not a whole number, the finale grade will be rounded up to the next highest whole number, for example 23,5/30 → 24/30).

Voto Finale

The course is aimed at introducing students to the main events of the European History from the XVth to the end of the XVIIIth century and at providing them with methodological instruments. The course will examine the main political, economic, social, religious and cultural developments that occurred in Europe in the Early modern period with a special focus on the European Expansion, especially in the New World, and its consequences.

The course addresses issues of historical methodology, such as sources, periodization, historical interpretation, and it investigates the core themes of modern European history. Special attention will be paied on

1. The geographical discoveries.
2. The European Overseas Empires.
3. The “columbian exchange” and the “Magellan exchange”.
4. The Mediterranean: old and new hegemonies.
5. Piracy and Privateering.
6. The missionary activities.
7. The spreading of knowledge.

Class notes.
C. Capra, Storia moderna (1492-1848), Le Monnier università, Firenze; Mondadori Education, Milano, 2016, chapters 1-25.
G.P. Romagnani, Le società di antico regime (XVI-XVIII secolo). Temi e problemi storiografici, Carocci, Roma, 2018.
One book among the following:
C.H. Parker, Relazioni globali nell’età moderna, 1400-1800, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2012.
M. Fusaro, Reti commerciali e traffici globali in età moderna, GLF editori Laterza, 2019.
M. Donattini, Dal Nuovo Mondo all’America. Scoperte geografiche e colonialismo (XV-XVI), Carocci, Roma, 2017.
G.J. Ames, L’età delle scoperte geografiche, 1500-1700, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2011.
Additional readings will be recommended in class and/or uploaded in the course webpage.
Non-attending students are asked to contact the teacher.


The course is held in the Spring semester and it consists of 64 hours of lectures.

Appointment upon email request (elisa.bianco@uninsubria.it)
