Degree course: 
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (48 hours)

Mathematics (recommended, but not compulsory).

Final Examination: 
Scritto e Orale Congiunti

The examination of Electrotechnics, electrical plants and electrical risk consists of a written exams and an oral exam.
The written test will be divided into two parts: a multiple choice test covering the entire course program, to be completed in 45 min, and a second part of the written test related to the part of the analysis of electrical circuits to which students are asked to solve simple exercises, to be completed in 2 h. The oral exam will focus on the whole program of the course. The final grade will be determined by averaging the two tests, written and oral. The score of the oral test will be determined on the basis on both the tests, the multiple choice test and oral testThe exam is considered passed if the student obtains the sufficiency on all the tests.
Get out of the classroom during the test is forbidden, as well as the use of mobile phones or other electronic devices. All sheets delivered at the beginning of the exam will be returned at the end of the same with the indication of the name, surname and serial number. Parts written in pencil or pens with ink different from blue or black, will not be corrected. The use of correctors to cancel is prohibited. All the topics covered during the course, uploaded to the E-learning platform, will be object of the examination. Only students who will be regularly registered online for the exam will be admitted to the exam: they must have with themselves the university card. To those who will be surprised to copy during the exam, the test will be canceled.

Voto Finale

Aim of the course
The course aims to provide students with the concepts relating to the main electrical quantities and their measurement units as well as the method to analyze and solve elementary circuits both in DC and AC regime. We will also provide the basics related to the production, transport and distribution of electricity and the main components of electrical systems.
With regard to the problems related to electrical safety, the physiopathological effects of the electric current on the human body will be described, the main normative references for the design according standards and finally the main devices that can be used to protect against electrical risks will be described.

Learning outcomes
The objective of the course is to provide to the students useful knowledge for the analysis of simple electrical networks, the components of an electrical system, the main dangers arising from electricity and the device for the protection against accidental contacts (direct and indirect).
The expected learning outcomes consist in giving to the trained technician the specific skills for:
• analyze and solve simple electrical networks in DC and AC
• know the main components of an electrical system
• know the dangers related to the electric current deriving from accidental contacts
• know the main devices that can be used to protect against accidental contacts (direct and indirect)
• know the main technical standards to be applied in the field of electrical safety and electrical installations

The contents of the course are listed below:
DC regime. Definition of electric current and voltage, bipole. Voltage-current characteristic and electric power. Electrical measurements. Ohm's law. Series and parallel of bipoles. Definition of electrical networks, solution of electric networks. Network of bipoles. Kirchhoff's laws. Conservation of power and maximum power transfer. Overlapping effects. Thevenin and Norton equivalent generators.
AC regime: phasors. Electric power in sinusoidal regime, average and effective value, energy, active, reactive, complex and apparent power. Conservation of power. Bipoles in sinusoidal regime (impedance and admittance). Series and parallel of bipoles, equivalent impedance. AC networks and solution methods. Power factor correction and power measurements in sinusoidal mode.
Three-phase networks, triplets of balanced and unbalanced tensions and current (outline). Solution through single-phase network, power (wattmeter in Aron configuration)
Insulating, conductive and magnetic materials
Energy conversion. The transformer.
Electricity generation systems and distribution systems AT, MT, BT. TT, TN, IT systems. Main components of electrical systems.
Risks of electric current. Protection against direct and indirect contacts. Components for protection: switches, differential, relay, fuse, magneto-thermal. Laws and reference standards.

G. Chitarin, F. Gnesotto, M. Guarnieri, A. Maschio, A. Stella, Elettrotecnica vol.1 – Principi, Società Editrice Esculapio, 2018, ISBN 9788893850506
G. Chitarin, F. Gnesotto, M. Guarnieri, A. Maschio, A. Stella, Elettrotecnica vol.2 – Applicazioni, Società Editrice Esculapio, 2018, ISBN 9788893850841
Slide: (for electrical safety) they could be downloaded from the web site
Exercise book
M. Bagatin, G. Chitarin, D. Desideri, F. Dughiero, F. Gnesotto, M. Guarnieri, A. Maschio, Esercizi di elettrotecnica. Reti elettriche, Società Editrice Esculapio, 2013, ISBN 9788874885800
F. Dughiero, E. Sieni, Esercitazioni di elettrotecnica, Libreria Progetto, 2018, ISBN 9788896477816

Lectures in the classroom (48 hours) with exercises.

Students can meet with the professor in his/her study by previous email appointment.
