Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in History and Stories of the Contemporary World
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Various educational activities
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (48 hours)


In order to get the workshop’s/seminar’s credits, students must attend at least the 75% of the classes and pass a final exam. The type of exam (a written essay, an exercise in class, an oral examination) will be determined by the instructor in agreement with a permanent faculty member. The qualification (pass/fail) will be automatically acknowledged by the Academic office after receiving the communication by the instructor.
Registration to the workshops/seminars is reserved to the students in their second year of the degree in “History and Stories of the Contemporary World”.

Voto Finale

Among the learning objectives we find:
- knowledge of the main methodologic tools necessary to understand the cultural context of the historical events under scrutiny;
- understanding of the key role of scientific knowledge in contemporary societies;
- knowledge of the methodologies related to the codes and modalities necessary to the production of contemporary storytelling;
- capacity to elaborate an output to test the student’s own presentation and analytic skills;
- capacity to adopt and manage the interdisciplinary methodologic tools for the study of the relationship between History and Science, in order to elaborate projects of cultural development;
- capacity to identify and translate into a discourse the values related to the image and identity of a content, object or brand.

THE WAR OF VIETNAM AND THE CULTURAL EFFECTS OF THE CONFLICT: reconstruction of the genesis, dynamics, and consequences of the War of Vietnam in order to assess the consequences of the conflict in cultural, artistic, and journalistic terms.
FORMAT WRITING: development of the writing skills to create an original content or format for the television (from ideation to structuring), with particular attention to the preparation of a Pitch and the realization of a sizzle reel or a moodboard.
GEOGRAPHICAL MAFIA: reconstruction, through a socio-territorial and multimedia approach, of the training and participatory path on the presence and work of mafia organizations and organized crime in politics, economy and society of contemporary Italy.
CINEMATOGRAPHIC CRITIC: Reconstruction of the practical and methodological bases of the specialist criticism of contemporary audiovisual (cinema and serial fiction) through the direct participation of professionals in the sector.
HUMAN DEVELOPMENT: Introduction to the main notions and perspectives that characterize today's research in paleoanthropology and human evolution; favouring the development of a critical and proactive attitude towards the presented themes, of the ability to conduct autonomous or group research activities.
THE ARAB-ISRAELIAN CONFLICT (delivered in English): Reviewing the genesis, stages and consequences of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, from the geopolitical dynamics that led to the proclamation of the State of Israel and its role in the context of the Cold War to the presidencies of Sharon and Netanyahu, in particular through the British historical-diplomatic documentation.
THE TELEVISION SERVICE: FROM RESEARCH TO WRITING: Applying the historical research method to the realization of a television service: research of the suitable topic for the realization of a television service; research of the video material; construction of an audiovisual document.
THE CONTEMPORARY INTERNATIONAL CRISIS: reconstruct the skills needed to understand and interpret some of the main global crises of our time, through geopolitical analysis, as well as the causes and consequences, and through the direct testimonies of professionals who, for various reasons, have been involved in the crises examined from time to time.
SOURCES FOR THE HISTORICAL RESEARCH: identification, understanding, selection, analysis and use of different kinds of historical sources for the preparation of an output in order to assess the student’s analystic and presentation skills.
MATEMATIC LOGIC: Acquisition of notions and technical skills in the logical-mathematical field offering the possibility to appreciate logic as a more general analysis tool for reflection.
TELEVISIVE SERIES ... MAKING OF: Analysis of aspect of the filming of television series: location, casting, crew, consulting, working plans, calendars and shooting times, storyboards, maps, stunts, FX and VFX referring to particular television productions.
HISTORY AND WRITING OF A SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE: the students are oriented in the dynamics of the scientific publication, examined in historical perspective and through the simulation of the writing and publication of a manuscript. The aim is to track the reverse path of a scientific news by looknig back to the analysis of the sources.
HISTORIES OF THE TERRITORY: Presentation and analysis of the different ways of deepening and enhancing the historical heritage of a territory
THEATRE OF NARRATION AND LOCAL HISTORY: theoretical and methodological basis of theatrical storytelling with particular reference to local history, company history and landscape.
THE ART OF TELLING STORIES (delivered in English): Presenting different styles and modes of storytelling in different original English-language cultural products of contemporary age (fiction, cinema, TV series, music, historical and scientific dissemination), in which the intention and ability to 'tell' one or more stories emerge.



The educational aims of the course will be achieved through lectures.

Students must register online and fill out all the fields with the information required.
To schedule a meeting with the instructor, students are required to send him/her an e-mail.
