- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Bibliography
- Delivery method
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
1) The written examination consists in the preparation of a critical essay (min. 15,000 - max. 50,000 characters) on the two books chosen by the student. The best papers will be taken into consideration for a publication in a journal.
2) The oral examination consists in a discussion concerning the readings and the course topics in relation to the written output.
The final mark is the average of the two marks awarded in the written and oral examinations. The pass mark is 18/30.
The course focuses on a possible intersection among a variety of disciplinary skills around the com-mon topic of the anthropological, cultural and imaginary mutation. An ongoing process that affects the perception of the value of literary texts in the social life and in that specific interpretative community which has ensured its excellence and transmission so far: the secondary school, the University, and the cultural magazines.
The course also aims at showing the concrete aspects of the editing work in the contemporary world.
Through the analysis an interpretation of texts and their contextualization in time and space, students will learn to consider literature as a repertoire of topics interesting to the human and anthropological sciences, and even more as a set of models for the elaboration and narartive of what is real and plausi-ble, in which formal elements (language, style, genre) play a decisive role.
The couse deals with the different practical aspects concerning the publishing work: editing, transla-tion, graphic design, copy edititing, and copyright office. These aspects will be analysed with the help of distinguished professionals in the Italian publishing industry.
The expected learning outcomes include:
• knowledge of the general concepts of contemporary literature
• knowledge of the dynamics of the literary communication and its forms of representation
• knowledge of the publishing work
• ability to write a critique and editing text
• ability to use the interpretative tools and practical methodologies for the analysis of the literary text
• ability to elaborate autonomous considerations on theoretical and methodological issues.
In particular the course will explore:
-The meaning of culture
-The work of the editor in differents fields
-The Nordic Literature, with a focus on the work of Stig Dagerman
-The Anthropological Literature and the ethnographic film, with a focus onthe sense and meaning of the house to human beings and its possible mutation in the Anthropocene era.
1) The course SLIDES uploaded in e-learning
2) One book among the following:
- Stig Dagerman, Il Serpente, Iperborea, 2021.
- Stig Dagerman, Autunno Tedesco, Iperborea, 2018.
- Stig Dagerman, La politica dell’impossibile, Iperborea, 2016.
- Romain Gary, La vita davanti a sé, Neri Pozza, 2011.
- Frank Westerman, L’enigma del lago rosso, Iperborea, 2015.
- Gary Snyder, In India. Viaggio di un poeta da giovane, Milieu, 2020.
- Björn Larsson, La vera storia del pirata Long John Silver, Iperborea, 2019.
3) One book among the following:
- Andrea Staid, La casa vivente. Riparare gli spazi, imparare a costruire, ADD, 2021.
- Franco La Cecla, Perdersi. L'uomo senza ambiente, Nuova ediz. Meltemi, 2020.
- Matteo Meschiari, Disabitare. Antropologie dello spazio domestico, Meltemi, 2018.
- Italo Calvino, Le città invisibili, Mondadori, 2016.
- James Clifford, I frutti puri impazziscono. Etnografia, letteratura e arte nel secolo XX, Bollati Borin-ghieri, 2010.
The educational objectives of the course will be achieved by means of 48 lecture hours. Part of the les-sons, organized as seminar activities, will be devoted to the analysis of documents and texts selected by the lecturer in order to raise awareness regarding the publishing industry’s methods and topics.
Students are required to previously schedule a meeting by sending an e-mail to the lecturer.