- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Bibliography
- Delivery method
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
No prerequisites are required. The basics of Mechanics of Materials and Structural Design are assumed to be well known.
The course is intended to be assessed after a positive grade (equal to or higher of 18/30) in the oral examination, which covers all the subjects of the course. In order to access the oral examination, the students need to positively sustain a written examination inherent the solution of plane frame structures subjected to static loads and thermal gradients with the stiffness method. A positive judgement from letter A to letter C, being A the maximum, will be attributed to the written exam. This judgement will have orientative influence on the oral examination result.
It is also necessary to deliver at the oral examination the following homeworks developed independently by the student:
- calculation of fire load and temperature evolution over time for a specific case study (homework A);
- thermal mapping and structural check of an element in cast-in-situ or prestressed concrete, in steel or in timber (homework B).
The students allowed to attend the exams should be registered regularly at the on-line platform and should provide the university card before starting the exam. In case of refusal of the final score, the student should communicate it within 5 days after the publication of the vote in the ESSE3 platform.
Aim of the course
The aim of the course is to provide the students with the following skills: (a) definition and organisation of Fire Engineering, (b) modelling of the fire load, (c) evaluation of thermal maps, (d) solution of statically determined and statically undetermined structures subjected to thermal gradients, (e) structural checks of elements in cast-in-situ and precast concrete, in steel, in timber and in unreinforced masonry subjected to fire load in accordance with the current regulations, (f) design of passive protections of structural elements subjected to fire load.
Learning outcomes
• Cognitive skills
- acquire the fundamentals information needed to address a critical evaluation process of the evaluation of the resistance of a structure to fire load
- acquire the required information related to the modelling of the fire load and of the temperature evolution over time
• Learning abilities
- ability to read, understand and criticize a scientific text about the behaviour of structures in fire conditions (also in English)
- ability to read, understand and comment technical documents in support of the evaluation of structural fire resistance
• Practical and subject specific skills
- ability to propose a problem-solving approach
- ability to identify the main environmental issues necessary for the development of technical documentation in support of reports of structural fire resistance
• Communication skills
- ability to identify, extract and synthesize relevant information
- demonstrate effective communication skills by practicing, reading, writing and speaking clearly
- demonstrate the ability to communicate with industry experts.
Chemical-physical nature of fire. Fire load. Temperature curves. Standard and analytical approaches.
Recall of Thermophysics. Conduction, convection, radiation. Profiles of sectional temperature distribution. Spatial distribution of temperature.
Statically determined structures. Statically undetermined structures and flexibility method. Plane frames and stiffness method. Second order effects.
Framing and rapid check methods. Structures in cast-in-situ concrete. Pure, mixed and deviated flexure. Shear and torsion. Recall of prestressed concrete structures. Pure flexure, shear and torsion. Steel structures. Pure, mixed and deviated flexure. Shear and torsion. Problems of Eulerian and lateral stability. Connections. Timber structures. Pure, mixed and deviated flexure. Problems of lateral stability. Masonry structures. Table methods.
Effects of explosions and deflagrations. Structural design against explosionsTechnical visit to local command or operative facility of Firemen. Thematical workshops on concrete pressure spalling, use of plastic fibres, structural behaviour of plate structures in fire conditions.
Slides of lectures: download from e-learning website (note: only part of the lectures will be given with presentation of slides. The rest of the lectures will be given at the blackboard).
Specific scientific/technical papers suggested by the lecturer.
Main suggested books:
Gambarova P.G., Fantilli A.P., Tattoni S. (2017) “Strutture resistenti al fuoco”, EPC, pp. 504.
Sabatino R., Lombardi M., Cavriani M., Fede G. (2019) “La resistenza al fuoco degli elementi strutturali”, Inail, pp. 201. Scaricabile gratuitamente online.
For further reading:
Amico A., Bellomia G. (2007) “Carico di incendio e resistenza al fuoco delle strutture”, Flaccovio Dario, pp. 159.
Amico A., Bellomia G. (2009) “Tecnica della prevenzione incendi”, Flaccovio Dario, pp. 430.
Buchanan A.H., Gambarova P., Felicetti R. (2009) “Progetto delle strutture resistenti al fuoco”, Hoepli, pp. 438.
Caciolai M., Ponticelli L. (2008) “Resistenza al fuoco delle costruzioni”, UTET, pp. 288.
D’Andrea A. (2019) “Protezione delle strutture dalle esplosioni”, EPC, pp. 192.
Leonardi A., Passaretti G. (2010) “Guida pratica alla valutazione del carico d’incendio”, EPC, pp. 128.
Fiorentini L., Marmo L. (2017) “La valutazione dei rischi d’incendio”, EPC, pp. 720.
Contini P., Taliano M. (2005) “Progettare il cemento armato contro il fuoco”, CLUT, pp. 232.
Nigro E., Pustorino S., Cefarelli G., Princi P. (2009) “Progettazione di strutture in acciaio e composte acciaio-calcestruzzo in caso di incendio secondo gli eurocodici e le norme tecniche per le costruzioni”, Hoepli, pp. 452.
Cuomo S. (1983) “Elementi di resistenza al fuoco delle strutture d'acciaio e loro protezione”, Liguori, pp. 178.
Dal Lago A. (2009) “Resistenza al fuoco delle strutture prefabbricate in calcestruzzo”, estratto da Appunti del Corso di Specializzazione Incendi, IX edizione, Fondazione Ordine degli Ingegneri di Milano, pp. 51.
Luraschi F. (2009) “Carico di incendio”, estratto da Appunti del Corso di Specializzazione Incendi, IX edizione, Fondazione Ordine degli Ingegneri di Milano, pp. 93.
Technical standards:
NTC 2018
Additional specific minor standards suggested along with the course
The course is based on frontal theoretical lessons.
Office Hours
Students can meet with the professor in his office by previous phone or email appointment.