Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Nursing
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Basic compulsory subjects
Ore minime di frequenza: 
Standard lectures hours: 

A good general knowledge acquired by the media and literary texts.

Voto Finale

The Course aims to introduce the students to the ethical, legal and historical dimension of his/her future practice. Details follow.
At the end of the course the student will be able:
to know and understand the legal, deontological and ethical aspects of the profession, and apply them to clinical practice.
The student will also acquire autonomous judgement and the terminology for communication in this field.

The frontal lessons are focused on the following topics:
1. Definition of medical deontology, medical ethics and law (1h, educational objective 1)
2. The ethics consultation in hospital (1h, educational objective 1)
3. Methods in clinical ethics (2h, educational objective 1)
4. The end of life (8h, educational objective 1)
Legal, deontological and ethical profiles. The difference between killing and letting die, active/passive euthanasia, proportionality of care, quality of life, over-treatment, palliative sedation, advance treatments directives, difference between withholding and withdrawing treatments and medical futility (when to suspend a futile treatment)
5. The genetics and different types of genetic tests, incidental findings and genetic consultation (2h, educational objective 1)
6. The organ transplants from living and corpse donor (with discussion about brain death criteria) (2h, educational objective 1)
7. The integrity in scientific research and ethics in experimentation (falsification, plagiarism, “scientific misconduct”) (1h, educational objective 1)
8. Legal, deontological and ethical issues of information and consent of medical treatments (2h, educational objective 1)
Communicating the truth to the patient, the concepts of confidentiality and professional secrecy.
9. The beginning of life (8h, educational objective 1)
Medically assisted procreation, abortion and stem cells: legal, deontological and ethical issues.
10. The certificates and medical records (2h, educational objective 1).
11. The aim and purpose of medicine (1h, educational objective 1)
12. Discussion of clinical cases (2h, educational objective 1)

Mario Tavani, Mario Picozzi, Gabriella Salvati, Manuale di deontologia medica, Giuffrè Editore, 2007.
Mario Picozzi, Il trapianto di organi. Realtà clinica e questioni etico deontologiche, FrancoAngeli, 2010.
Mario Picozzi, Fino a quando? La rinuncia ai trattamenti sanitari, San Paolo Editore, 2012.
Mario Picozzi, Omar Ferrario, Il diavolo è nei dettagli, Rosenberg, 2016

P.M. Cattorini, Bioetica.Metodo ed elementi di base per affrontare problemi clinici, Elsevier, Milano, 4th ed. , 2011; P.M. Cattorini, Bioetica e cinema, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2° ed. 2006; T.L. Beauchamp – J.F. Childress, Principles of Biomedical Ethics, Oxford Univ. Press, last edition; G.Boniolo-P.Maugeri, Eds., Etica alle frontiere della biomedicina Milano, Mondadori, 2014; D. Neri, La bioetica in laboratorio, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2005.



Parent course