Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Nursing
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Basic compulsory subjects
Second semester
Ore minime di frequenza: 
Standard lectures hours: 

There are no pre-requisites for this integrated course.
Understanding both the biochemistry module and the general pharmacology module requires a basic understanding of general chemistry (interaction between atoms and molecules, solubility, chemical equilibrium, acid-base theory and oxidisation, thermodynamics) and organ physiology (in Particular renal function, digestive system, cardiovascular function)

Voto Finale

The integrated course aims to provide basic knowledge to understand biological phenomena at cellular and tissue levels and to understand the interaction between organism and drugs under normal and pathological conditions and the possible therapeutic implications
Students will be provided with the following knowledge and skills:
Biochemistry module: knowledge of the main classes of biomolecules (structure and function) and their metabolism in physiological and pathological conditions. The concept of regulation of metabolic activities will also be transmitted, with particular reference to the role of the main hormones. The ability to interpret and evaluate the main biochemical blood indicators and the nutritional properties of the main food classes will also be transmitted.
Pharmacy Module: Knowledge of the general principles underlying interaction between human body and drugs and their mechanism of action. In particular, knowledge will be provided on setting a correct dosage and evaluating the risk associated with the use of drugs in relation to several factors (administration, adverse effects, drug intolerance, drug interactions). In addition, as a result of pharmacological and toxicological knowledge, the management, conservation and use of medicines in hospital will be transmitted. Knowledge will also be given about the main legislative provisions regarding the production and use of drugs and the precursors and clinical trials for the discovery of new drugs.

Biochemistry Module
Organic constituents (sugars, proteins, lipids): main functions (10 hours). The structure and function of sugars, amino acids, lipids, cholesterol, and energy molecules will be discussed. Reserve molecules, glycogen and triglycerides. Structure lipids; Micelles, double lipid layers, biological membranes and structural cholesterol properties. Proteins: peptide binding, amino acid sequence, three-dimensional structure (eg collagen), post-translational modifications, phosphorylation, glycosylation, proteolytic cuts (coagulation and digestive enzymes), coenzyme binding. Oxygen conveyors. Hemoglobin and Mioglobin. Enzymes: properties, kinetics, inhibitions, regulation, specificity, nomenclature, and enzyme cofactors. Vitamins. Nutrition biochemistry will be provided throughout the course.
Metabolism of the main biomolecules (10 hours). The concept of anabolism and catabolism will be discussed. Objects of bioenergetics. ATP, substrate phosphorylation at NAD + / FAD substrate, reducing power. Respiratory chain. Glycolysis, glycogen metabolism and the effect of insulin and glucagon. Krebs cycle, gluconeogenesis and their regulation. Nitrogen metabolism, transamination, transdimension, urea cycle and uric acid. Fatty metabolism and metabolic adaptations in fasting. Egg and albumin catabolism. Lipoproteins, bile acids, and cholesterol metabolism.
Adjustment and hormone metabolic control (4 hours). The main hormones with metabolic effects and in particular insulin, glucagon, adrenaline, cortisol (glycemic omoestasia), thyroid hormone, calcium regulation (vitamin D), steroid hormones (mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids, sexual hormones) will be presented. Surface or intracellular hormone receptor, second messengers (AMP cyclic, calcium, inositol triphosphate). Mediators such as prostaglandins, leutrienes and thrombosans will be made throughout the course.
Pharmacology Module
- Pharmacokinetic properties (6 hours). The main routes of drug administration will be described, and the pharmacokinetic processes of absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination of drugs in healthy subjects and in patients. A number of quantitative pharmacokinetic topics will also be used to set a correct dose, such as distribution volume, clearance, half life, maintenance dose, and loading dose. The concept of bioavailability and equivalent medication will be addressed.
Pharmacodynamic properties (6 hours): the main mechanisms underlying drug action will be described. The theoretical bases for the interpretation of the action of drugs will be discussed, imparting the concepts of agonist, antagonist, partial agonist. Dose-response curves will be described to interpret efficacy and pharmacological potency. Drug-toxicology topics will be addressed to interpret toxic drug effects, drug interactions, abuse, tolerance, and dependence.
-Exhibits of pharmaceutical legislation, experimentation (4 hours). The main laws in force in Italy and the European Union concerning the production, classification of medicines, prescription and pharmacovigilance will be described. Preclinical and clinical study phases will also be described for the discovery of new drugs.

Chimica e Biochimica
Michele Samaja
Seconda edizione

Le basi della biochimica
Denise Ferrier
Seconda edizione


Parent course