Notion of civil and legal law - health professions (requirements, control and legal framework) - Law 833/78 - TSV (informed consent, need, hints of laws notwithstanding art. 5 cc) / TSO (coercive and non-coercive) - Professional secrecy - medical records - certifications - report / reporting the crime - maternal and child protection (law 194/78, law 40/04, protecting working mothers) - law 104/92, disability - social security (INPS-INAIL) - signs of thanatology, traumatology, asfissiologia, judicial inspection, personal identification - professional liability - personal injury
Notion of civil and legal law - health professions (requirements, control and legal framework) - Law 833/78 - TSV (informed consent, need, hints of laws notwithstanding art. 5 cc) / TSO (coercive and non-coercive) - Professional secrecy - medical records - certifications - report / reporting the crime - maternal and child protection (law 194/78, law 40/04, protecting working mothers) - law 104/92, disability - social security (INPS-INAIL) - signs of thanatology, traumatology, asfissiologia, judicial inspection, personal identification - professional liability - personal injury
Macchiarelli L., Arbarello P., Cave Bondi G., Feola T., Compendio di Medicina legale, Minerva Medica, Torino 2002
Birkhoff J.M., Nozioni di medicina legale, Franco Angeli, 2011
The training objectives of the course will be achieved through 16 frontal lessons in which both the topics of the program and any practical examples will be dealt with.
receipt by appointment requested via email: jutta.birkhoff@uninsubria .it