- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Bibliography
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
To be regularly signed up at the III year of the Course Degree. Attendance at Physiopathology and medical and surgery semeiotic courses. Fluency in Italian language.
Assessments through separate questionnaires of the tutor’s and student’s of the teaching efficacy of the internship.
To apply at the single patient bed-side the physio-pathological and semeiotic knowledges learned in classes, with the assistance of a clinical expert tutor. To be able to assess vital parameters and to give aid for cardiac arrest.
Application to the single patient of physio-pathologic and medical and surgery semeiotic knowledges
Textbooks of physiopathology and medical and surgery semeiotic , suggested by teachers’ in classes.
One-by-one tutor-student attendance of a medical and a surgical depart for at least 6 weeks in one of the hospitals of ASST Sette Laghi, ASST Lariana, and ASST Valle Olona.
Further inquiring, please send a message to the Secretary of the Course Degree in Medicina and Surgery at