Degree course: 
Corso di Long single cycle degree (6 years) in MEDICINE AND SURGERY
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Basic compulsory subjects
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (30 hours)

advanced knowledge of biology, chemistry, acquired during the first academic year. The examen of histology is propedeutic to the anatomy examen

Voto Finale

Learning the structural organization of the human body from the macroscopical to the microscopical point of view with their anatomical-clinical applications. Recognize the morphological characteristics of systems, organs, tissues, cells and subcellular structures of human organism.

Splancnology: circulatory, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, male and female genitalia, endocrine, tegumentary
Peripheral nervous system: Spinal nerves: complexion, seat, course, branching
Vegetative nervous system: General organization of visceral peripheral pathways: vegetable garden and parasympathetic

Cattaneo-Pensa-Favaro, Trattato di Anatomia umana I-II. Utet
Anastasi et al, Anatomia umana I -II –III. Edi Ermes
Moore, Dalley, Anatomia umana. Ed. Ambrosiana
Tazzi-Montagnani, Trattato di Anatomia umana I-II. Idelson-Gnocchi
Esposito et al, Anatomia umana I-II-III. Piccin
Cattaneo, Compendio di anatomia umana. Monduzzi
Williams P.L., Anatomia del Gray ed IV italiana. Zanichelli

Gaudio, Il sistema nervoso centrale. Piccin
Barr’s di Kiernan, Anatomia del sistema nervoso umano. EdiSES
Waxman, Neuroanatomia clinica. Piccin
FitzGerald, Gruener, Mtui, Neuroanatomia. Elsevier
Cattaneo, Anatomia del sistema nervoso. Monduzzi

Putz, Pabst, Sobotta, Atlante di Anatomia umana I e II. Utet
Netter*, Atlante di anatomia umana. Masson
*Cocco, Manzoli, Guida alla lettura dell’atlante di anatomia umana. Masson
Prometheus, Testo atlante di anatomia umana, 2 voll, EdiSes.
Autori vari, Appunti di anatomia microscopica (CD). Cortina

Per ripassare:
Khale-Leonard-Platzer, Anatomia umana atlante tascabile 3 volumi. ed Ambrosiana

ALTRI in casa o in biblioteca:
Testut-Jacob, Anatomia topografica III volumi. Utet
Testut- Latarjet, Anatomia sistematica VI volumi. Utet
Chiarugi-Bucciante, Anatomia umana VI volumi. Piccin



Parent course