Knowledge deriving from the Histology courses (propaedeutic exam), Biology and genetics, Physics, Chemistry
Know the structural organization of the visceral organs, with its main anatomical-clinical applications and the mechanisms through which this organization is realized
Detailed study, using the notions already systematically assimilated during the year, of certain body regions in a topographical way
Cattaneo-Pensa-Favaro, Trattato di Anatomia umana I-II. Utet
Anastasi et al, Anatomia umana I -II –III. Edi Ermes
Moore, Dalley, Anatomia umana. Ed. Ambrosiana
Tazzi-Montagnani, Trattato di Anatomia umana I-II. Idelson-Gnocchi
Esposito et al, Anatomia umana I-II-III. Piccin
Cattaneo, Compendio di anatomia umana. Monduzzi
Williams P.L., Anatomia del Gray ed IV italiana. Zanichelli