Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Physiotherapy
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (12 hours)
Giudizio Finale

Principles of anatomy, physiology, etiology, diagnosis, of the most common breast disease, inflammatory breast disease, benign and malignant breast disease, surgical treatment of breast cancer (lumpectomy vs mastectomy), breast reconstruction after surgery, anathomy and treatment of the axilla, sentinel lymmph node biopsy, lymphadenectomy of the axilla, breast cancer management (radiotherapy, chemotherapy, ormonal therapy)

1. Normal breast anatomy and physiologic changes
2. Inflammatory, infectious and other non-neoplastic breast lesions
3. Fibroadenomas, adenomas, papillomatosis
4. Breast cancer: epidemiology, clinical aspects, diagnosis
5. Breast surgery: a. Conservative surgical treatments; b. Mastectomy
6. Reconstruction after mastectomy
7. Axillary anatomy
8. Sentinel lymphnode biopsy
9. Axillary dissection
10. Non surgical treatments of breast cancer (radiotherapy; chemotherapy, Hormonal therapy)
11. Breast cancer during pregnancy and breast feeding

SENOLOGIA. DIAGNOSI, TERAPIA E GESTIONE. Rovera - Bonifacino - Panizza - Peccatori I edizione Edra - 2018

The course will be structured in lectures with slides (including different illustrations) followed by a moment of discussion about the topic of the day with the possibility of questions and direct interaction with the students.

Appointment to be arranged by email to: