No prerequisites are required
Course aim:
To acquire methods and tools for the evaluation of patients affected by Respiratory disorders.
To know pulmonary function tests correlating to respiratory disorders
To know bronchial hygiene techniques and cough assistance
The chest Therapy: definitions, rationale, organization and setting. Application of POMR (Problem Oriented Medical Records)to the evaluation of patient affected by respiratory disorders. Radiological evidence in chest examination. Chest auscultation. Spirometry and pulmonary function tests. Recalls of respiratory physiology, mechanics and ventilatory pattern. Bronchial hYgiene techniques. Cough assistance techniques. Obstructive and restrictive disorders:case reports.
azzeri M, Clini E, reo
possini E, Corrado A. Esame clinico e valutazione in Riabilitazione Respiratoria. Ed. Masson, MNilano 2006. Brivio A, Lazzeri M, Oliva G, Zampogne E. La disostruzione bronchiale. Dalla teoria alla pratica. Ed. Masson, Milano 2001
Lazzeri M, Brivio A, Carlucci A, Piaggi G. Il ricondizionamento all'esercizio fisico del paziente con patologia respiratoria. Dalla valutazione al trattamento. Ed. EDRA, 2014