- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Bibliography
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
A good general knowledge acquired by the media and literary texts.
A written multiple choice test (10/20 questions about the whole ethical course-contents) is eventually submitted. The test shows the reached level of theoretical knowledge, of ethics-applying skills and of other competences in medical humanities. The “idoneità” is certified if the students passes all the partial disciplines of the integrated course.
Training the students for a coherent ethical reasoning in biomedical, social and educational contexts of health care research, practice and work; fostering the personal skills in perceiving a moral dilemma, in justifying an individual evaluation and in dealing with a disagreement inside the staff; implementing the competences in narrative ethics
Educational virtues and health care skills. Definition of biomedical ethics; bioethics at the beginning and end of life; psychotherapy and ethics; ethical issues in the research, in the clinical practice (truth telling, confidentiality, consent and so on), in the public health care (justice, vaccination, organ transplantation, animal rights, and so on) [for details, see the index of the suggested handbooks]. Teaching methodology: theoretical lessons; group debate; interpretation of emotional responses; applying principles to narrative plots.
P.M. Cattorini, Bioetica.Metodo ed elementi di base per affrontare problemi clinici, Elsevier, Milano, 4th ed., 2011; P.M. Cattorini, Bioetica e cinema, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2° ed. 2006; T.L. Beauchamp – J.F. Childress, Principles of Biomedical Ethics, Oxford Univ. Press, last edition; G.Boniolo-P.Maugeri, Eds., Etica alle frontiere della biomedicina Milano, Mondadori, 2014; D. Neri, La bioetica in laboratorio, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2005.
By following the introductory exposition by the professor, and by dealing with concrete situational problems, cognitive knowledge, emotional discernment, communicating competence and ethics-applying skills are fostered and trained. Theories, principles, ways of reasoning, logical rules, linguistic ambiguities, styles of behaviour and moral questions are presented, commented and analyzed in a pluralistic manner. Relevant key words and issues will be debated and interdisciplinary professional dilemmas will be criticized and evaluated. Narrative texts, especially motion pictures, will involve the group in the emotional heart of complex cases, outline the social imaginary, help the expression of individual insights and feelings, prepare a mature staff decision.
mail Address: Reception Hours: for more information and individual consultation in “Padiglione Antonini”, via Rossi 9, Varese, the student is invited to preliminarily contact the Professor at his email address.
Credits: 1
Credits: 1
Credits: 1