There are no pre-requisites for this integrated course.
The purpose of the course is to convey to the student the understanding of the chemical reactions at the basis of life. The course provides for the discussion of the fundamental laws of chemical transformations, the concept of structure and molecular organization, spatial orientation, the role of different molecules in the constitution of biological structures, in the cell or organism, the main categories of nutrients and of their value under a proper diet regime. The course aims to provide basic knowledge on the chemistry of living organisms. Such knowledge includes the structure and organization of living matter (structure and function of the main biological macromolecules).
The structure of the atom and the radioactivity notes. Chemical bonds and oxidation numbers. States of matter and their property. Water, Solutions and Their Properties. Osmotic pressure and redox reactions. Chemical balance. Acids and bases, pH measurement. Pad solutions and biological applications. Description and main reactions of alcohols, alkenes, alkenes, alcohols, thiols, ethers, esters, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters, anhydrides, amides and amines with biological examples. Carbohydrates. Lipids. Amino Acids and Nucleotides. Protein structure.
Chimica, biochimica e biologia applicata
Stefani M., Taddei N.
Chimica e propedeutica biochimica
Fiecchi A., Galli Kienle M., Scala A.
Chimica e biochimica, per le lauree triennali dell’area biomedica
Samaja M., Paroni R.,
Principi di chimica generale e organica - per i corsi di laurea a indirizzo bio-medico
Santaniello - Alberghina - Coletta - Malatesta - Marini