Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Professional education
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Compulsory subjects, characteristic of the class
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (12 hours)


Voto Finale

The course modulates several objectives.
To learn how to use the observation and examination psychomotor instrument in order to be able to read your body moving, you can guess which story to structure it and in which environment interacts.
Using sport as an educational medium to support in rehabilitation.
Knowing how to read and decode the disease situations for speculare interventions of edu©are.

The corporeity belongs and represents man’s opening to the world. “For this reason it’s not the question of feeling particular sensorial sensations, organ’s sensations, physical sensations, and neither corporeal visual or tactile perceptions, but a state of a fact relating to a phenomenon, absolutely unitary and peculiar, of having a lived body and experiment it”.
In this way Heidegger relate about the lived body, the body that refers to the world through the experiences.
The educator enters in relations with the others through his body.
To enter in relations and read others’ need we must learn to study the movement, his maturation, the difficulties, the disharmony. Through observation and after that, trough psychomotory examination we understand the weak and the strength points of the others. In this way we investigate the motor organization, in its global and segmentated expression, the balance, the muscular tone, the praxic activity, the lateralization process How are the informations coming from the body or from the surroundings organized? How is the corporeal scheme maturation investigated and which difference with the corporeal image? But also the body is inserted in a space-time dimension and in a emotional dimension that influence the attention and concentration process. The motor act is born not in a voluntary way, so the maturation process begins from the overcoming of the archaic reflections, basis of fetus’ movement. Sometimes it could be useful to apply relaxation’s tecniques that help the others to take possession of their body, like the autogenic training.
In addition to learn reading the movement, we can consider the use of the tool “sport” as educators. Motor activity becomes the educational channel to reach different aims, as the control of the aggressiveness, acceptance and management of the rules, socialization, acceptance of the frustration, resilience, growing of self-confidence. The users with we can work: minors, psychiatry, disabilities, dependances, aged people.
From the body to the soul, that is, the landing of their identity. From fusion to separation, to get to the transitional space. In the search for identity the body finds itself in a global image of the self. This body that lives in absolute units in the disease, finds a bio-psycho-social changed. So the disease becomes a biographical brecking in the life of the man. To relocate their story shared in the therapeutic relationship with the operator is central turning point in the process of humanization of care

R.C. Russo, La diagnosi in psicomotricità, Casa editrice Ambrosiana; R.C. Russo, L’evoluzione neuropsichica nei primi sei anni di vita, Ed. libreria Cortina; A. Lapierre, B. Aucouturier, Il corpo e l’inconscio in educazione e terapia, Armando Editore; L. Zanini, Il corpo-paziente, Franco Angeli, G. Marchini S. Vender, Edu©are. La cura del malato in ospedale