- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Bibliography
- Teaching methods
- Contacts/Info
The knowledge gained in previous years' teaching, with particular reference to the anatomy and physiology of the central and peripheral nervous system, are required.
None for clinical psychology.
In order to better understand the topics of this course it is however suggested that the student possesses the knowledge offered by the courses of General Psychology (C.I. Human Sciences) and Psychology (C.I. Psycho-Biology) of the first I year.
Psichiatria: none
Anatomy and physiology of the nervous system
written evamination
Clinical approach to children and adolescents with neurological and psychiatric disorders. Knowledge of the main neurological and psychiatric disorders of childhood and adolescence.
The aims of the course is to provide students with theoretical notions necessary to apply the basic concepts of the development psychology to the helping relationship with children, adolescents and their families, in the principal contexts of the educational profession.
The main objective is the knowledge of the essential aspects of psychopathology, classification of mental illnesses, clinical phenomena and the main practices for treatment with or without patient consent.
Another objective is the knowledge of treatments without consent (T.S.O). Which are a very delicate moment in the health practice of the basic practitioner.
It is also proposed to make known how the sense given to "crazy" behaviors leads to coherent intervention initiatives. The normal / pathological relationship and the various psychopathological (biological, phenomenological, psychodynamic, sociological, anthropological) implications involve different conceptions of the disease.
Finally, make the distinction between psychosis and neurosis clear, a distinction which, while being little used, is a key point of reference for the clinician in his practice.
To learn the basics of the more common neurological diseases (in particular those affecting cognition and behaviour) in terms of their pathophysiological mechanisms, signs, symptoms, diagnostic work-up and management.
Neuro-psychiatric development
Neurodevelopmental disorders
Intellectual disability
Autistic spectrum disorders
Communication disorders
Specific learning disorder
Motor disorders (DCD, tic and Tourette syndrome)
Cerebral Palsy
Neuromuscular disorders
Anxiety disorders
Mood disorders
Personality disorders
Psycosis in adolescence
Psychosomatic disorders
Eating disorders
1. Motor systems 2. Sensory systems 3. Coordination 4. Cranial nerves. 5. Basics of di 5.1. Cerebrovascular disorders 5.2. Dementias 5.3 Parkinson’s disease 5.4 Multiple Sclerosis5.5 Epilepsy 5.6 Neuropathies5.7 Myopathies 5.8 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 5.9 Headaches
- Argomenti di Neuropsichiatria Infantile di G. Lanzi e U. Balottin Italian University Press
- Cosa diventeranno i nostri bambini di Cramer ed. Cortina
- La diagnosi della dislessia e degli altri disturbi specifici dell'apprendimento di C. Termine e G. Stella - Editore Omega
Core curriculum. Malattie del sistema nervoso
Carlo Ferrarese McGraw-Hill Education 2016
Neurologia. Manuale di apprendimento. Con CD-ROM (prodotto in più parti di diverso formato)
di Francesco Monaco - Centro Scientifico Editore - 2004
Frontal and interactive lessons.
Frontal lessons are supported by slides to facilitate synthesis and attention. During classroom discussions, students are encouraged to interact with teacher with questions and curiosities.
The teachers are available to receive the students by appointment
Credits: 3
Credits: 3
Credits: 2
Credits: 1