Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Movement science
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 

Mathematical, physics, statistic, chemical, biology genetics, anatomy and biochemistry knowledge

Final Examination: 

scritto e orale

Voto Finale

The course aims to offer students the opportunity to get closer to human physiology discovering all its possible applications in sports. A man athlete studied as a 'machine' capable of transforming chemical energy into mechanics, a complex system of coordinated organs that can improve performance with training.
The student should learn from the anatomical and functional point of view the main organs and apparatus. Specifically, their adaptive ability lasts for different types of motor activity.
Usuality of motor activity in general, if administered with frequency and correct loads, is to be therapy and prevention of various pathologies of great social impact
Acquire theoretical and practical knowledge about applied physiology, that is, the benefits and training-induced adaptations, both in terms of proper physical exercise activity for well -being and health, suitable motor activity and sport performance.
Want make acquire theoretical and practical knowledge about Exercise Therapy, Exercise Prescription and administration.
Want make acquire acquire practical theoretical knowledge on different nutrients, how to balance them to promote homeostasis and well-being, and how to distribute them in relation to sporting activities, timetables, and periodization of training.
Want make acquire acquire basic knowledge on integration and anti-doping legislation.

Cardiovascular system. Electrocardiography. Instrumental examinations in cardiology of sport.
Respiratory system. Observations on spirometric examination.
Digestive system and feeding.
Skeletal Muscle System (biomechanics and muscular energy)
Reading and Presentation of Scientific Article Concerning the Physiology of Sport
Exercise Prescription and Sports Therapy.

The importance of proper and balanced nutrition in a proper lifestyle and sport; importance of proper hydrosaline, energy and protein reintegration through feeding and / or integration in relation to the type of workout; integration before, during and after race. Periodization of the food in relation to the training period and competition.

1) PIROLA V Kinesiology Human movement and Edi.ermes.
2) Jutta Hochschild - Locomotor apparatus - Anatomy and functions - Practical aspects for manual therapy (vol. 1 - 2) ed. Ed. Ermes
3) Kapandji IA Articular physiology ed. Marrapese 1983
4) William J. Germann, Cindy L. Stanfield - Physiology - Ed
5) Kendall EP, Kendall and Provance PG Muscles - Functions and Testing - 4th ed. Verduci publisher 2000
6) By Prampero Veicsteinas - Human physiology - edi ermes
7) McArdle Katch & Katch - Applied Sports Physics - House Ed. Ambrosiana
8) Cerretelli - Exercise Physiology - S.E.U.

Front didactic, Group tutorial, practical exercise