Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in Movement science
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Basic compulsory subjects
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (24 hours)

There are no constraints on propedeuticity.

Voto Finale

The contents of the course offer an articulated and comprehensive picture of the main pedagogical areas of study. The course will introduce students to analysis and reflection on the educational process as a device, that is, as a complex and dynamic set of all the material and immaterial elements and dimensions that shape what happens on the educational scene. To achieve this, reference will be made to the school's educational device, stimulating students, future educators to acquire skills in the analysis of educational experiences Learning the main theoretical constructs of social pedagogy and sport. To deepen and consolidate basic pedagogical and methodological knowledge by structuring pathways to analyze the strategies, tools and techniques that qualify and make the learning process more effective. Promote the personal ability to get involved and reflection. At the end of the course, the student will be able to produce learning modules and teaching programs for sports practice, which take into consideration the four main areas of development (motor, emotional, social and cognitive). Know how to use the necessary evaluation tools. to know the current models and theories of pedagogy embodied in the school environment and play; with particular attention to the changes that take place in the group and in the individual, at the cognitive behavioral level, emotionally in the various.

To introduce concepts of sport psychology and to know application on the field with athlets, parents and sport managers.

The main theoretical and historical constructs of general and social pedagogy. The theory of sociocognitive development of Vygotskij, Piaget's organ theory The education and the education of the body in different historical epochs. The birth of sport. Characteristics of sports education and Olympic education. The pedagogy of the body in the contemporary world. Pedagogy, Education and Education Sciences. The pedagogy of sport as science. Areas of intervention and main issues of pedagogy of sport. Values, wellness and sports. Learning methods in psycho-motive practice and curricular programming. Sport, play and development. During the lessons, active participation of the students is required and practical exercises will be carried out. The program provides for the development of the following topics. Learning, motor learning, the study of theories of motor development and reference models applied to didactics in sports practice learning programs. The pedagogy of sport as an educational motor activity that contributes to the harmonious and integral formation of children with educational and pedagogic goals. Play and its cognitive, social and emotional evolution as a tool in teaching motor activity and sports practice. The general theory of systems with reference to the school system. The psychopedagogical model is understood as an integrated system, in which all educational agencies.

- Sports Psychology: introduction and purpose of intervention
- The psychological skills of the coach and different roles
- Work in multidisciplinary staff
- Drive an athlete to a sport psychologist
- Effective and assertive communication
- The athlete’s self talk
- Sports in childhood
- Parent's training
- Mental training
- Integrated Training
- Managing anxiety
- Attention: styles and disturbance elements
- Attention and activation
- Stress and performance
- Relax and visualize
- Breathing and performance
- Motivation of the athlete and the coach
- Working for goals
- Biofeedback

1.Rezzara A., Un dispositivo che educa, Mimesis, Milano, 2009
2.Palma M., Il dispositivo educativo, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2017
3.Dewey John, Esperienza e educazione, Raffaello Cortina , Milano, 2014
4.Teacher's Slide published on elearning

Teacher's slide, given to the class president
Book: Psicologia dello sport, A. Cei - Il Mulino
