Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in BIOTECHNOLOGY
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 

For the comprehension of the course of ANATOMIA PER LE BIOTECNOLOGIE, the basis of cytology and histology are necessary.

Final Examination: 

The exam will consist of an oral exam during which the student will be asked to discuss a topic of human anatomy and to develop it by completing it with the solutions adopted by the various classes of vertebrates.

In particular, the exam aims at evaluating the basic knowledge possessed by the student of the morphology of the adult human body regarding the treated systems and at the understanding of their evolutionary path thanks to the comparison of the same systems in the sub-phylum Vertebrata.

The use of an appropriate language will also be evaluated. In an oral exposition text in the academic field, indeed, it is necessary to master a scientific type of language that is characterized by a complex speech and a technical vocabulary. Among the sentences that make up the speech in its complexity, there must be a good logical-semantic coherence. The technical vocabulary, on the other hand, is necessary because it points to the uniqueness of interpretation where, as a rule, a meaning is expressed by one signifier, and a signifier represents a precise meaning.

The result of the examination will be in thirtieths.

Voto Finale

The course provides some notions of human anatomy needed by biotechnologists interested in medical biotechnology.
Considerable attention is paid to the phylogeny of the systems studied, thus utilizing comparative anatomy and comparative embryology of the vertebrates.

Overview of the Phylum of Cordata and on the classification of Vertebrata.
Overview of comparative embryology.
Skeletal and muscular system.
Circulatory system.
Respiratory system.
Digestive system
Urogenital system.
Nervous system.

"Anatomia comparata" a cura di Vincenzo Stingo Edizioni EDI.ERMES
"Principi di anatomia umana" di Marco Artico et al., Edizioni EDI.ERMES


The course includes lectures with the help of PowerPoint presentations. The two teachers participating in the course teaching, one, human anatomy for 4 CFU and the other, comparative anatomy for 2 CFU, will coordinate in such a way that all the systems treated are from both points of view, that of human anatomy and that of comparative anatomy, which also allows a fuller understanding of the human anatomy. With the analysis of the similarities and the anatomical-functional differences, indeed, comparative anatomy is able to unveil the laws that regulate the organization of an organism and to reconstruct its evolutionary history. This interdisciplinary vision finds, as a unifying moment, the theory of biological evolution since, citing Theodosius Dobzhansky, "Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."