- Overview
- Assessment methods
- Learning objectives
- Contents
- Bibliography
- Delivery method
- Teaching methods
Good knowledge of international law, ecclesiastical law, European Union law and public-constitutional law.
At the choice of the student: final written test or monographic thesis to be chosen within the first half of the course (during the second module).
The course aims to provide future legal practitioners with the basic tools necessary for carrying out their profession in a strongly multicultural and multi-religious context. The course will provide the basis for the knowledge of the theoretical and operational mechanisms of international cooperation, with particular attention to the role of the United Nations (Agenda 20-30) and to the influence of religious and cultural factors in the elaboration of globalization policies. These objectives will be achieved both through the knowledge of the operating mechanisms of international agencies (Knowledge and understanding) and through the study of reception of their activities in different cultural contexts (north and south Mediterranean shores) (applying knowledge) and through the acquisition of a reflective capacity aimed at the critical analysis of the situations examined (making judgments). Finally, the student, thanks to the participatory modalities of the course, will learn both the communication of the main elements of the examined cases (communication) and the personal re-elaboration of the information received (learning skills).
The course is divided into three modules.
The first module illustrates the general contents of the UN Agenda 20-30, as a global and transversal tool for the construction of peaceful, sustainable, inclusive and fair societies, focusing on the factors that favor or limit their application in the Mediterranean area. In particular we will discuss the different approaches to inclusion; of sustainable city models and societies and sustainability of services (accessibility, capacity and quality).
The second module is dedicated to the reception of these contents by the religious systems of the northern Mediterranean shore. Consideration will therefore be given to issues such as the universality of rights; lifestyles and religious differences; the challenge of vulnerability; local governance and religious pluralism; the actors of development, that is personalities of religious communities, civil society and political parties and their approach to the objectives of the UN Agenda; link between religion and business-economic models.
The same themes will also be addressed by the third module, developed by two foreign professors, dedicated to Agenda 20-30, seen from the perspective of the religious traditions of the southern shore of the Mediterranean, with particular reference to Morocco and Lebanon.
Materials provided on e-learning platform.
Lessons conducted with a participatory and seminar method, with the continuous direct participation of students.
Degree course in: Law - Como
Degree course in: Law - Varese
Degree course in: Law - Varese