Degree course: 
Corso di Long single cycle degree (5 years) in Law - Como
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Basic compulsory subjects
Seat of the course: 
Como - Sant'Abbondio
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (40 hours)

In order to take the civil law exam, students are required to have passed private law and constitutional law exams.
It is essential to have a sound knowledge of the institutional rules and principles of private law. For this reason, it is recommended, before or while studying civil law exam, to review the fundamental notions of contract law (Articles 1321 - 1469 of the Civil Code).

The assessment will be through an oral exam, with the final grade in thirtieth (30/30).
The assessment will take into account the in-depth knowledge of the rules and principles of contract law, the knowledge of scholar’s opinions and of case law, the ability of autonomous critical reworking, the ability to speak and argue.

Voto Finale

The civil law course is biennial and consists of two courses. The subject of "Civil Law II" course is contract law.
The main objective of the course is to accompany students in the critical in-depth study of the subject, allowing them access to the most subtle level of theoretical reflection and developed by the scholars and case law.
At the end of the course, students are called upon to demonstrate that they have: a) knowledge and mastery of contract law; b) autonomous capacity for critical in-depth study of the principles and rules of contract law in the light of the contributions of scholars and case law; c) ability to use legal language appropriately; d) ability to solve questions relating to the subject of contract law;
e) ability to link the principles and rules of contract law with other civil law subjects, demonstrating to know how to correctly frame the cases under study in the system of rules and principles of Italian private law.

The course deals with the fundamental notions of contract law, with particular reference to: structure; essential elements; negotiations and bargaining; invalidity and inefficacy; qualification and interpretation; effects; essential and accidental elements; pathologies and termination.

Recommended texts:
V. ROPPO, Il contratto, in Trattato Iudica - Zatti, Milan, Giuffrè, last available edition.

It is essential to know and consult an updated edition of the Civil Code.
A sound knowledge of private law is also essential. For this reason, it is recommended, before or while studying the civil law exam, to review the fundamental notions of contract law (articles 1321 - 1469 Civil Code). In this regard, we suggest the use of the manual adopted in the course of Private Law.

Other supplementary materials may be indicated or distributed during the lessons.
On the e-learning platform the professor will upload the materials related to the course (power point presentations, case law, scholarly articles).


The course takes place over 40 hours in the first semester. Lessons will be delivered through frontal teaching. During the lesson, the professor will show a power point presentation that will be uploaded to the e-learning platform of the course.
During the course there will be some theoretical lessons, aimed at illustrating the principles and rules governing the contract in general, and some lessons dedicated to the discussion of case law. The latter aim to promote the students' acquisition of legal argumentation techniques and critical capacity.

During the first semester Prof. Cenini will meet students upon request of appointment to be sent to the address marta.cenini@uninsubria.it