Degree course: 
Corso di First cycle degree in LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL MEDIATION
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Basic compulsory subjects
First Semester
Standard lectures hours: 
Detail of lecture’s hours: 
Lesson (30 hours)

Having reached the B1 level of German (Deutsch als Fremdsprache). Interest to the cultural tasks of the translators.

During the oral exam - which follows test in itinere- will be checked the knowledge of the course contents. The examination will take into account not only the knowledge of the contents, but also the familiarity with the readings proposed during the lessons and with the materials made available on the computer platform.

Voto Finale

The course aims to provide 1) the ability to understand the essential elements of a standard conversation on both common and abstract and conceptual issues; 2) the ability to express oneself in a simple and coherent way on topics of a personal and specialist nature; 3) the ability to tell experiences and events; 4) the ability to express opinions on issues of different scope (topical or cultural); 5) the ability to translate texts of medium difficulty and different origin.

In particular, textual linguistics will be introduced as a tool for analysing textual processes, making it a prerequisite for a methodologically founded approach to translation. Semantics of prototypes, the cognitive and pragmatic dimension of the linguistic act will be at the centre of the meetings on the translation act, as well as the link between textual typology, types of thematic development and translation strategies. Theoretical lessons will alternate with translation exercises into Italian in which different textual varieties will be dealt with. At the same time, some theoretical elements of translation will be discussed and particular emphasis will be placed on various theoretical and practical aspects of German-Italian linguistic mediation.

Anne Buscha, Susanne Raven, Erkundungen B2, Hueber Verlag.
The teacher reserves the right to indicate and provide any additional material during the lessons

Ein Buch aus der folgenden Liste:
• Firas Alshater: Ich komm auf Deutschland zu. Ein Syrer über seine neue Heimat. Ullstein 2016.
• Roberto Giardina: Lebst du bei den Bösen? Deutschland – meiner Enkelin erklärt. Launenweber Verlag 2017.
• Wladimir Kaminer: Ausgerechnet Deutschland. Geschichten unserer neuen Nachbarn. München: Goldmann 2018.
• David Wagner, Jochen Schmidt: Drüben und drüben. Zwei Kindheiten. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rohwolt 2014.
• Danijela Pilic: Sommer vorm Balkan. Mein Leben zwischen Alpen und Adria. München: Goldmann Verlag 2015
• Jan Weiler: Maria, ihm schmeckt’s nicht! Geschichten von meiner italienischen Sippe. Ullstein 2003.

The course includes 30 hours of frontal lessons, accompanied by language exercises. The course will use films and will also provide teaching material of philosophical-literary reflection on the work of the translator and his tasks.

The teacher receives the students at the end of her lessons or by appointment. Contact
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