- native-like written and oral knowledge of the Italian language
- a good knowledge of the main structures of the Italian language
- knowledge of German corresponding to the A2-level of the CEFR
- high motivation, ability to organize one’s own learning time
Both the written and the oral part of the German Language I exam must have been passed in order to access the German language II course.
Students will improve their knowledge of German and attain the B1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Classes are aimed to develop five abilities: oral and written comprehension, writing, speaking and oral interaction.
Upon completing the course, the students will have intermediate command of German: they will be able to produce oral and written texts at a B1+ level and to interact with native speakers in an intermediate way.
Grammar and vocabulary will be granted special attention. Pronunciation will be corrected and additionally trained if needed.
Students will also learn how to develop a personal learning method to make self-learning more efficient.
The course will be divided into two modules.
The first module focuses on structural aspects of German, granting particular attention to grammar and translation.
In the second module, the students will have the chance to practice and develop the five linguistic abilities; they will also receive special training to prepare for the final exam.
The following topics will be covered in the course:
Pragmatic-communicative competence
- Small talk, correct use of the politeness form
- Expressing certainty and uncertainty (introduction)
- Producing arguments in favour of or against a statement (introduction)
- Accepting and refusing proposals (continuation)
Textual competence
- Understanding newspaper articles (introduction)
- Understanding simple literary texts
- Writing texts about one’s own feelings and opinions
- Writing simple texts on current topics
- Writing simple texts for professional purposes
- Writing a CV and a cover letter (continuation)
Grammatical competence
- Predicative and attributive adjectives; inflection of adjectives; comparison (continuation)
- Indefinite and reciprocal pronouns
- Verbs: Konjunktiv II, Perfekt of modal verbs; future; Plusquamperfekt; passive and active form (continuation); participles
- Prepositions requiring the genitive
- Adverbs; time and places adjuncts (continuation)
- Negation (continuation)
- Conjunctions
- Word formation (continuation)
- Complex nominal and prepositional phrases
- Complex sentences: coordinate and subordinate clauses, conditional, relative, final, consecutive and concessive clauses.
Lexical competence
- Eating and drinking; recipes
- Time and history
- University and jobs
- Current topics: nutrition, energy, environment
- The German political system
- The German language
Buscha, Anne e Szita, Szilvia. Begegnungen B1+. Leipzig: Schubert Verlag 2013 (2., veränderte Auflage), ISBN 978-3-941323-20-9.
Grammar books
Bonelli / Pavan, Grammatica attiva della lingua tedesca. Morfologia sintassi esercizi. Hoepli 2012.
Difino / Fornaciari, Neu Deutsch klipp und klar. Principato 2001
All books are available at the University library.
Additionally, the students are required to listen and read the Topthemen of the German radio channel Deutsche Welle, available at
The students will choose five topics to be discussed with the instructor during the oral exam. Only articles published in 2018 are to be considered as eligible to be discussed.
Further materials will be made available on the e-learning platform.