Degree course: 
Corso di Long single cycle degree (5 years) in GIURISPRUDENZA
Academic year when starting the degree: 
Academic year in which the course will be held: 
Course type: 
Supplementary compulsory subjects
Seat of the course: 
Como - Sant'Abbondio
Second semester
Standard lectures hours: 

Good knowledge of main private law institutions and commercial law.
It is necessary to have preventively supported the examinations of private law and commercial law.

The exam takes place through a written test divided into two parts. A test consisting of 15 multiple-choice questions. Two "open" questions to which the student will have to answer with a brief written dissertation. Each test answer is given 2 points, while the vote to the answers given in the other part is expressed in thirty-five and is attributed to their accuracy and quality, as well as to the student's ability to motivate their arguments.
The total vote, expressed in thirty-five, is given by the average of the votes obtained in each of the two parties.
The exam duration is 75 minutes.

Voto Finale

The course is aimed at learning the core institutions of banking system and the fondamental principles about the activities of the financial intermediaries, with a specific attention to the changements introduced by European Community regulations and international law. The student must demonstrate at the end of the course an adequate knowledge of the discipline of banks, financial markets and non-bank financial intermediation.

1. Historical evolution of banking law
2. Credit Authorities and their functions
3. Banks and banking activities
4. Banking supervision
5. Trasparency’s rules between banks and clients
6. Further financial intermediaries

The suggested books are:
- P. Sfameni-A. Giannelli,Diritto degli intermediari e dei mercati finanziari, Egea, 2015;
- C. Brescia Morra, Il diritto delle banche, Il Mulino, 2016
- Aa.Vv., Il diritto bancario e finanziario, a cura di F. Capriglione, Cedam, 2015

The course consists of 35 hours of frontal lessons. The frequency is strongly recommended and for some of the attending students some parts of the program can be agreed upon, taking into account the specific topics discussed in the lesson and their interest in the students.

The teacher receives the students at the end of the lesson or on a date to be agreed by e-mail


Parent course